Ireland…Ridden with Debt and Blessed with Land

We are a country ridden with debt and blessed with land…and water…and a temperate climate.

Ireland is capable of producing a lot of food, not just meat and dairy, but fruit and vegetables of all kinds.

We could have a great wool industry!

We were famous for our Crystal from Waterford!

Irish people are hard-working and dedicated.

What is needed is courage, integrity and honesty in our political leaders.

We need political leaders with vision and confidence…

If only we had leadership…

I have cut back many of the Dogwoods in the upper gardens and have been busily replanting some of the better cuttings.

The entrance to the Fairy Dell is enveloped in the striking reds of Dogwoods.

These easy to grow [stick a wand in the earth] shrubs are incredibly valuable to me…the stems remain a vivid red all winter, I use them in Willow wreaths for vibrant colour and vase  arrangements in the cottage to brighten a dull day.

The birds will eat the juicy ripe berries and the bees will enjoy the delicate spring flowers on the old stems.

Another misty morning.

Cobwebs everywhere shining with tiny drops of dew.

I walked through the Fairy Dell to the sound of the Blackbird rustling about among the fallen leaves, searching for breakfast!

It wasn’t just the mountains that had disappeared, this morning, into the mist, but most of the land as well.

My garden had vanished this morning!

It’s strange because the air was so still and the bird calls seemed to echo in the mist.

I hope it’s like this at Samhain…so many preparations are under way, especially gathering in the apples and preparing them for the freezer.

Despite the warm and sunny days,  nights are cold  and lots of little creatures are seeking hibernation spots…

I have to keep the windows closed at night for fear of having to share this cottage with too many visitors!


    • I cook them down first…only for a few minutes, then they are ready to put into food I prepare. I also juice them and freeze the juice in ice cube trays then put into bags.

  1. In honor of National Tree Day in Ireland, myself and a hummingbird that fluttered around me the entire time, planted an olive tree in my yard. I wish it a very long and happy life, as I do all the trees in Ireland!

  2. Ireland has so much potential. I fell in love with Ireland the first time I saw it in 1989. There is just something sacred there. It seemed to take a wrong turn with the whole Celtic Tiger thing, but maybe it can find a better path now. Certainly the “pockets of people” like you can lead the way. But I agree, as peak oil and climate change disrupt the world we know, Ireland may just be a place that can adapt. That is one of the many reasons I would love to emigrate to Ireland. We had for years planned to retire there but the Celtic Tiger made that impossible…too expensive. But now with prices coming down, my thoughts turn again to Ireland. And your lovely blog is a reminder every day of the beauty there. So thank you for that. I am so looking forward to visiting Ireland next month and still planning to come to Bealtine Cottage on the 20th. It is always so nice to talk with like minded people. Our numbers are growing but we are still small. I met Carole of Whispering Pines on your blog and we are fast becoming friends. I sometimes think the goddess is conspiring with us…helping us find each other so we can work together. It is an interesting journey. Patti

  3. We in the states were bogged down by people who do not believe in global warming and are not into new forms of energy. Their allegiance was with the oil companies. People are now realizing what this has cost us. Pockets of people are doing Permaculture. We are all in this together you are an example to all peoples and I try to be an example in my blog too. There is much for all of us to share. I visit Ireland every year and the moment I breathe the air, I realize how clean it is, the water is far better than any in the states and the food is fresh. In the past several years I have noticed a change in Ireland. More people are doing permaculture, seed saving and focusing on the land and preserving it.
    I just trimmed my dogwood too.

    • Next time you visit Ireland, make a visit to Bealtaine Cottage…you will be very welcome!
      You are right in what you say about all these “pockets of people,” …we are small “Arks of Possibility,” in a world ravaged by stupidity and greed.
      More and more people are understanding and making the change towards a better life and better world!

    • I just had a peek at your lovely blog…beautiful! And the pumpkins in the sun…wow!
      Bless you both and your lovely Mum…life is precious and good!

  4. Haha my cat caught two voles in the house this week! Voles in the house?! I know I couldn’t believe it either. Our house is over a hundred years old in places hence the cats. 🙂

    • Cats help to keep the natural order in balance. Without a cat, many country homes can be afflicted with an excess of small creatures. Your home sounds interesting!

Your comments are welcome!