An Angel in the Snow

Angel in the snow at Bealtaine Cottage

The wind howled all night as it carried snow in from the Atlantic Ocean.

The moon drifted downwards as the sun rose.

Somewhere in-between I got up and lit the stove, walked the dogs and returned to settle into a hunker-down day in the cottage.

Che Mousy Bear at Bealtaine CottageAs I write, the dogs are in their baskets and the cats are lounging on the sofas.

Animals know when it’s cold and really appreciate being indoors!

Che-Mousy-Bear is purring loudly on the sofa nearby my desk.

Sam sits opposite.

Stereo purring!

The porch at bealtaine cottageThis kind of weather often makes an appearance after Spring has been called.

The Primroses and Daffodils don’t seem to mind.

Bealtaine Cottage PorchThey know it won’t last!

The snow is soft and fluffy with little ice and no frost.

veranda at Bealtaine Cottage The wind has settled down and the sun is shining.

Today I shall work in the tunnel, sowing herbs and pumpkins…it’s Spring, even if there is snow!

Indoors I am sorting seed and making Smudge Sticks  for sale in the Bealtaine Cottage Shop.

A big pot of vegetable soup is on the menu…just the thing on a snowy day!


  1. Oh my heavens, this is soo beautiful, a gorgeous cottage of abundant life and creativity. I hope to live in a permaculture cottage/home some day of my own! With kittens and dogs and a white horse too.


    • The simple life is the most pleasing! Nine years of living frugally at Bealtaine Cottage has taught me that!
      Blessings from all at Bealtaine cottage and may all your dreams come true X

  2. This winter we have had little snow, while your rain and now storm has come so the snow has come for us. The last several weeks have brought and seems to keep coming with more snow this evening. I now am wondering about my March start in the garden since I now have several feet of snow on the ground. Mother nature is teaching me to dance and I am excited to learn her ways.
    Time to start off seeds in the warmth of indoors and be prepared to pot them on, so as when they do go into the ground they will be strong and ready to grow fast. We adapt to the weather and keep in tune with Nature as she struggles.
    Bealtaine Cottage Blessings to you and all in your home

  3. These images of a snow scene reflected in the window panes and framed in shades of aquamarine, alongside your description of a howling wind carrying snow inland from the Atlantic, are lyrical and lovely. I particularly liked the idea of Spring being ‘Called’.
    Snowcat Sam with his perfectly folded-up paws, delicate pink ears, and extremely photogenic ‘purrsona’ ….completes an enchanting picture of a West of Ireland morning!
    I am reading this at just before 9pm and the wind is howling and shrieking around in the darkness outside. The storm has returned!
    I shall have an early night and keep the cats on the bed…their collective purring should distract from the storm!
    Blessings from all

  4. Oh my Gosh, I love that cherub…too cute,
    I adore the angelic images around the garden…they resonate with the flora and fauna.
    Blessings from all at Bealtaine

  5. I feel inspired to make a big pot of vege soup too. The wind was howling here last night and although the sun is out this morning, it is still pretty cold.
    Sam is such a sweetie =^.^= hugs for all the furry friends at Bealtaine
    Warmest blessings x
    Thank you Cicely
    Bealtaine Cottage Blessings to you

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