The Ascent

Beaten earth floor in ploytunnel at Bealtaine Cottage

This is the latest idea I have put to the test and it works…a beaten earth floor in the polytunnel, that can be swept and kept clear of weeds without any covering!

It has been dug out to the subsoil and the waste piled onto the beds to raise them even further.

The beaten floor also acts as a heat conductor to the earth under the beds.

I thought that this was worth sharing with you all!

Bealtaine Cottage blue skiesSpring continues its’ rise up through the earth as more and more gaps are filled in the garden…it’s like a painting by numbers picture!

Propagator at Bealtaine CottageI have got the little propagator out of the shed and cleaned it down, before sowing seven little tubs of seeds.

Ox-eye daisy at Bealtaine Cottage Permaculture GardensThis year I shall save many more seeds from a wider variety of plants, especially wild flowers, like this beautiful Ox-eye daisy!

Bealtaine CottageThe days are longer now, with light fading at around 9pm.

early morning at Bealtaine Cottage We are on the ascent to Midsummer, about 11 weeks away.

This is a glorious time of the year…full of promise!


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  1. I love hearing about the tunnel and everything really. It helps me with my planing. It is 7:46 and dark is falling. We still have frosty ground yet my garlic is up a inch. No spinach yet. It has rained several days yet soon I will be able to turn the soil.

  2. Just wondering how did you obtain beaten earth – did you use the flat of a shovel or just stamp it down? It does look lovely

  3. This morning the daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses and Christmas roses are in full bloom. The cherry trees have just bloomed and I noticed my red Camilla bush was full of beautiful blossoms so I picked just one and now am admiring it on my desk. Today is supposed to get to 80 degrees which is a little warm for April! Have managed to clean up most of the debris from Superstorm Sandy and have even planted out some cabbages and lettuces in the veggie garden. Even after the biggest disasters, life goes on.

    • We, who are in contact with Gaia are real pragmatists and optimists…seeing the wonder and beauty in all!
      And I bet you felt good!
      The real value in life lies in what one connects with!
      Blessings from all at Bealtaine Cottage

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