Sacred Earth Rising

Bealtaine CottageIf, nine years ago, someone had told me that the Earth was sacred, I may have laughed and thought it a little eccentric of them to say the least!

Amethyst horn at Bealtaine CottageLooking back, through my collection of diaries, from the time when I first began planting the land here at Bealtaine Cottage, I realise that immense changes have happened, not just here, on the land, but here, within me too.

Roses at BealtaineThere is no doubt in my mind that the Earth is sacred.

Standing stone at Bealtaine CottageThis fundamental belief was what was missing from my life.

Shasta daisy at Bealtaine CottageIt is what binds everything else together and allows me to make sense of life.

Fowgloves at Bealtaine CottageIt is not a populist belief, but then this blog is not written from that precept of appealing to the popular or mainstream.

Bealtaine Cottage BuddhaThis blog is merely a way of focusing my thoughts for my diary entries.

Front garden at BealtaineIt is a way of sharing evolving values and ideas.

Box for the birds and the beesIt is a way of sharing what has empowered and enabled me.

Valerian by the barnHope and happiness walk hand in hand.

Bealtaine Cottage ValerianI have found both at Bealtaine Cottage…the blessed Earth…Sacred Earth…She is rising.


Sharing this video made this morning here at Bealtaine…


  1. All the photos are stunning as always but I wanted to comment on the stone with the ancient spiral. I have seen similar if not the same spirals etched into ancient volcanic rocks in central Arizona. I’m not sure anyone knows or could ever know what it symbolizes. But isn’t it interesting that it was used in such widely separated places? I’ve always thought of the eternal cycle of life. Spiraling out into the world and then returning again……. I’d be interested in how you interpret it.

  2. I agree with you, the earth is sacred, and I suspect the majority of the planet also believe so. But the minority are the ones with the voice and the power, unfortunately, and they think the earth is merely a repository of resources they can draw upon as much as they please to make themselves wealthy.

  3. Thank you for that Colette, yes the earth is sacred, you can feel it all around, it’s beautiful, it makes one so appreciative and feeling blessed.

Your comments are welcome!