
28 June 2014 004

Bartering home made wine for time spent fixing my computer is fantastic and affordable…this afternoon was spent in the company of two friends, who did great work for me, in return for some giggle tonic; what happens when you drink this potent Blackcurrant wine.

28 June 2014 002Jack has just returned with me from his early evening walk.

He is in desperate need of a brush as he’s moulting all over the place!

He gets all soppy when I brush his coat.

Sheepdogs are very loyal and just a wee bit crazy too!

28 June 2014 005A cottage garden gets away from all sense of colour co-ordination, as you can see here!

Many of the perennials are starting to go over a little bit as the height of Midsummer has passed.

28 June 2014 003This can be a good time to cut back on some in order to get a late summer blossoming too.

The Geranium thrives on a twice yearly cut back.

28 June 2014 006This little Fig tree grows well in a half barrel, being squashed into a tight corner with other plants and even a Rose bush; Figs thrive in tight spots!

28 June 2014 001There was a time when Ireland was dotted with little white-washed cottage, all proudly hosting red Perlagoniums on their low window sills every summer.

Sad to think those days of simple living have passed and people are no happier really!

28 June 2014 008
Ox-Eye Daisies run riot all over the top part of the gardens, thriving in the limestone gravel with carefree abandon! So often dismissed as weeds, these wild flowers are undemanding and drought tolerant. 

28 June 2014 009Nasturtiums are coming into their own and the bees are having a real feast.

28 June 2014 010An outdoors coffee table and chair…why not?


  1. I gasped when I saw that beautiful poppy gracing the top of your blog this day. Such a gorgeous color.

    My Nasturtiums have yet to start blooming so in the meantime their peppery leafs are fairgame for salad, I will then collect their blooms for teas. I used to work for a caterer as a garnishing chef and used the blooms as horderves, piping in loxes and cream cheese or herbs mixed with cream cheese. It really made an elegant touch to a tray.

    Now everything is fair game for medicinal purposes, or my own dietary needs.

    I so wish I had the garden space to really grace my necessary herbs and vegies. Thank you for sharing your world with us!

    • I must admit to loving the peppery taste of Nasturtiums and garnishing a dish is creating a mini work of art and ultimate taste, something we should do more of really!
      Blessings XXX

  2. Nasturtiums ‘coming into their own’: Mine never died last winter and so are growing rampantly here in Dublin. I’ve never seen a year like it. They are loving all this fine weather in June.

  3. As usual you have captured the day and put it to pen. The simpler days were so much better. I agree that people were happier then. We have found possessions don’t produce joy. With your blog more will learn. Thank you for what you do.

Your comments are welcome!