Returning Thanks 022

Saint Vincent de Paul is a charity that helps people here in Ireland cope with poverty. 008

It does fantastic work, helping those in need pay bills, buy clothes and food and even keeping a roof over the heads of many. 012

I decided to have a good clear out of things…clothes, books, trinkets, ornaments…all boxed up and off to the SVdP Charity shop. 001

I am delighted that the cottage is lighter and the Charity has a little more to give. In turn,


I often visit the same shop and buy clothes and occasional trinkets.

Stone Circle at Bealtaine Cottage

It’s a great way of recycling, all round!

The porch at bealtaine cottage

This is my favourite form of recycling, because it underpins the fact that everything has a value.

Christmas Eve, 2012 at Bealtaine Cottage

Also, by clearing out lots of stuff I no longer need or even want, I am making room for Mother Nature, for I love to bring bouquets of greenery in from the land and spend time adorning the cottage.

The turn of the wheel

This beautiful Iroquois prayer encapsulates it all…

We return thanks to our mother, the Earth,
which sustains us.
We return thanks to the rivers and streams,
which supply us with water.
We return thanks to all herbs,
which furnish medicines for the cure of our diseases.
We return thanks to the moon and stars,
which have given to us their light when the sun was gone.
We return thanks to the sun,
that has looked upon the earth with a beneficent eye.
Lastly, we return thanks to the Great Spirit,
in Whom is embodied all goodness,
and Who directs all things for the good of Her children.

~ Iroquois ~


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  1. Hi Collette I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for several weeks now. I should have been coming to Ireland from the UK with my partner in the New Year to start our own smallholding .. However she had a tragic accident last Monday and is now in a coma with an uncertain future. I have decisions to make, but I am at a loss , I don’t know what to do. I need the help and intervention of a higher being ! Please can you and your followers have Jess and I in your thoughts, Patrick.

  2. I to am clearing out some clutter. Have given a lot to neighbors, family and our local mission. It feels so nice as you said to be a lot lighter. Still more to do, tons of material I will never be able to use all of. Next on the list for after the holidays.
    I love reading your blog and I love your home and land. Working towards a small permaculture property. A little bit at a time.

    • Good morning Mary from a west of Ireland sprinkled with snow…just enough for seasonal beauty!
      Lovely to hear from you…keep clearing and making space in your life for all good things to come in XXX
      Colette X

  3. I am a minimalist and have been doing that on a regular basis. I also frequently get rid of various pieces of furniture. I simply sit them at the edge of my yard by the street and someone invariably rides by and picks them up. Others in my area do the same thing and I often see a piece of furniture that appeals to me. If I can carry it or fit it in my hatchback I take it home. Every time I do something like that I part with something in my house so I don’t end up accumulating too much.

Your comments are welcome!