Voices in the Mist


The day has changed in a matter of hours.

Sunshine and mist blankets cover the mountain opposite Bealtaine Cottage.


Then the mist grew in huge swathes, quickly covering the mountain.

The valley became still and silent…so silent that small noises and voices began to travel in echoes.


I darted in and out of the cottage clutching my camera.

The mist was moving fast. DSC00558

I never really thought about a planting scheme here at Bealtaine, other than an urgency to plant trees, but it now seems that some sub-conscious force was at work, for there appears to be a plan…


This garden has a magnificent backdrop, now framed by the trees I planted.


Especially on a day like today.

The mist has moved quickly.

There is a very cold night ahead according to the weather.

I have chopped wood and filled the basket in the kitchen and one by the back door.


The mountain has now disappeared.


As it disappears, I walk around the side of the cottage and notice the increased colour in the hedgerow.


The colour is rising in the humble Fuschia, grown from cuttings stuck into the ground.


This reminds me to take lots of cuttings and continue this guerilla gardening in other parts of the land and out onto the roadway.

 I should love to see this beautiful shrub growing as it does here in the west of Ireland…wild!


I see the Birch trees are hanging onto their decorations…DSC00594

and behind me, voices are calling in the mist.


Your comments are welcome!