Climate Collapse

This has been difficult to write.

I expect to lose many subscribers.

Truth-tellers in an age of illusion are not welcome, in any circles!

However, truth be told, I have never sought the high opinion of others, so I am prepared to speak the truth, as I see it!

Some of you, maybe even many of you, will decide to unsubscribe to this blog.

Be that as it may…I must press on!

Climate Change has turned the corner…the one that faces into uncertainty and fear.

Yes, I am fearful for what lies ahead for my children and grandchildren.

DSC02199I am fearful for what I have come to shape my entire being around…Mother Earth.

The violence and uncertainty that lies ahead.

I am not going to put an excess of climate information in this writing.

Step outside and tell me what you experience.

That is all you need to know…FEEL what is happening!

DSC01461There is something very wrong!

Feel it in your entire being!

DSC01104Yet…there is hope…for where there is life there is hope and I have always been a pragmatist, optimist and carer.

Hope for me is in the form of pledging…and knowing that I have done my best…that is all I can hope for!

I will do whatever I can to help stop this mad spiral dance of death!

Here is what I pledge…

Only vital air travel…use rail and sea!

No more meat or dairy!

Don’t buy it unless I absolutely cannot do without it!

Power down…use the bare minimum of electricity.

Walk or cycle whenever and wherever I can.

Avoid goods wrapped in plastic.

Absolutely NO VOTE from me to any politician who supports war, on any level…and that includes abstention!

No supporting Fracking…I will not even have a gas lighter in my home! Many in the anti-fracking movement choose gas cookers over electric cookers, despite living within sight of wind turbines!

As for that most contentious of issues…Here are a few facts that may persuade us of our complicity and responsibility in this growing nightmare scenario!

DSC00874A kilogramme of beef protein reared on a British hill farm can generate the equivalent of 643kg of carbon dioxide. A kilogramme of lamb protein produced in the same place can generate 749kg. One kilo of protein from either source, in other words, causes more greenhouse gas emissions than a passenger flying from London to New York. ~ George Monbiot, The Guardian, 22 Dec 2015

DSC02047This is the worst case, and the figure comes from a farm whose soils have a high carbon content. But the numbers uncovered by a wider study are hardly reassuring: you could exchange your flight to New York for an average of 3kg of lamb protein from hill farms in England and Wales. You’d have to eat 300kg of soy protein to create the same impact. ~ George Monbiot The Guardian, 22 Dec 2015

Climate breakdown looks inevitable – unless we all change our diets. ~ George Monbiot

As a footnote, I am appalled at how all climate scientists I have read so far, have completely IGNORED the effect endless wars in the 20/21st centuries have contributed to Climate Change.

Now that alone should make one think of what we are NOT being told in all of this!

Mother Earth does not lie…step outside and experience the truth!


Bealtaine Cottage, May 2004

The Bealtaine Project was  initiated, funded and planted by Colette O’Neill, an Irish grandmother, who, twelve years ago, attempted to prove there was no such thing as “poor land,” just abused Earth!


Bealtaine Cottage, obscured by over 1,000 deciduous trees, May 2016.

This was done simply, by caring, planting and nurturing 3 acres of such land in the west of Ireland, back to life! 

The Bealtaine Project continues to grow here, on this website and in the hearts and minds of good people all over the world.

Thanks for your support



  1. I can’t imagine why you would think any of the people who read your inspirational blog would unsubscribe after hearing you repeat what must by now be obvious to all of us. By ‘all of us’ I mean those who, like you, understand Mother Earth and what she gives to us and what her limits must be. I am an avid reader of George Monbiot’s and have his regular emails so have read what you have read and feel the way you do. It is very difficult to be positive and to feel that these small things we can do will help save us from the wasteland when you listen to the generally perceived view that everything will be alright in the end and technology will save us all!!

  2. You haven’t lost me Collette. We all have a responsibility to future generations in leaving them a stable climate, resources in the ground and an economy that works. Unfortunately our society is failing on all three of those as well as ignoring the needs of the our planet as a whole. I agree that we must, as individuals and collectively show the way. There is a ‘Great Turning’ happening, but will it be completed in time? There are doubts.

  3. I doubt anyone will be unsubscribing. You are just telling it like it is Sister. We here on our way to rural Wales hoping to create something inspired by BC, share your pledges. They should be seen in any sane world as just common sense but in this insane consumer world they are seen as nonsense. We can’t fight the hate but we can increase the love.
    Thanks C

  4. I live in an urban setting. A high rise is The view from my front yard. My neighbourhood consists of “cheap” townhouses. People stacked on people or packed side by side. Every day I take my dog for a walk in a tiny patch of woods that first I have to cross a tiny field of wild flowers but oh how I love those few minutes in each. Birds and insects are bountiful in that field. Ruby the dog loves it too. Somedays when I walk her I see people have thrown garbage in the woods or the wildflower field and I get so upset with the city mentality. It makes me cry and makes me want to run away. I read your blog and wish with all my heart I had a place such as yours. Acres of beauty surrounding me…but something keeps
    Telling me, maybe it is mother earth’s voice in my heart, ” I need eco-warriers in the city more than ever. I know it is hard but don’t give up on me. ” So I clean up other people’s garbage while tears of frustration run down my face. I plant my garden for beauty and bounty for me and nature on my little townhouse lot. I post pictures of my progress on facebook and constantly remind people of the beauty and necessity of all components of nature. Some days I get tired of the noise, the garbage and the people but I have had neighbours come over while i am outside gardening and say what an amazing transformation i have done to the yard and can they come look. This is why I keep fighting for mother earth. Not to get accolades but to show the people in an inner city dwelling space that they can grow their own food, they can attract birds, their children can play amongst trees. You can be proud of your little space on earth. Some days I just get tired though. After the death of my daughter 5 years ago, the pull to run away and not have to be a warrior in life gets
    Pretty strong at times. Your blog encourages me to keep fighting for Mother Earth though so I won’t be one of those people to not follow you because you speak the truth. I stand by you and with you in your fight. For now in the city setting, but who knows how long i will keep having the strength to endure the city. Thank you for all you do ❤️

    • You are a true child of Earth and your daughter walks with you, as my own mother does with me. The deeper we connect with Mother Earth the more joyous and peaceful our lives and that of the Earth becomes. Create a little mantra prayer to chant inwardly as you choose to clear up the debris thrown so callously upon our blessed Earth…then smile for the Eco-Warrior Woman you have evolved into! Blessings of abundance to you XXX

  5. I can’t say I exactly ‘enjoyed’ your post about climate change but I respect what you have to say about it. I think I would have liked to hear what it combination of things leads you to say we’ve turned a corner but I also have seen far too many conversations along that line deteriorate into useless rancor. Personally, I continue to focus on hope—each of us doing as much as we can otherwise my heart begins to break. You have a wide sphere of influence and so I feel your call for each of us to double down and make SURE we are doing everything we can is ‘spot on’ as they say. I also know that there are vast numbers of people deeply committed to the welfare of our beloved Gaia which provides the basis of my hope. Much love to you and support, including financial. <3

    • For my part Linda, I am a rebel who adores a challenge, hence regard myself as an Eco-Warrior…and quite unashamedly so! The effects of Climate Change are being ramped up on a daily basis and we will have to deal with them…but there is no need to feel down or powerless, for we already know that governments choose impotence, but…we do not!

  6. Personally I feel this beautiful oasis in the cosmos would quickly heal her wounds, which mankind have inflicted upon her, as soon as we become extinct. Are our egos so big, we think this amazing planet couldn’t continue without us. Just imagine how happy all the animals would be, all wildlife, flora and fauna, the planet would return to its original beauty. Mother nature would sigh a huge sigh of relief. What’s happening in Europe is nothing compared to what’s going on in Asia. The reality is, weather we like to face it or not, mankind is on the way out. The damage is done.

    Until then, I will continue to live in love and light. Making the most of the beauty around me.

    Thank you Bealtaine.

  7. The truth is always difficult to write, and even more so to hear.
    I have been reading your blog for several years now, and the one thing I can say is that you reach more people than you realize. I initially came to your blog because of the gorgeous gardening pictures. After several visits, I realized that we both thought alike : the earth was a gift to be cherished and nurtured, from the soil up.
    I live a small simple life, caring for a child and a mother. I enjoy trying to create healthy habitats for the rest of the inhabitants of this world through my gardening adventures, in the small spaces that I can find. My blog is like me, small and simple, depicting little things about what I try to create.
    I come to your blog to be impressed, empowered, and enlightened!
    Please, keep broadcasting the truth, as there are those of us who cherish the wisdom behind the words.

  8. After reading your blog entry, I agree with the points made about reducing ecological footprint, but neither your post, nor the comments I read mentioned what I consider the elephant in the room: the global capitalist economic system that the vast majority of us cannot completely escape from, nor have any real influence on, since he who has the most money makes the rules.

    We need economic systems that divide resources fairly and equitably that will be permanently sustainable. Instead we have a global system that encourages competition/instead of cooperation, uses resources faster and promotes wars over dwindling resources. It’s hard to see a future for coming generations if we can’t take down capitalism!

    • Start by withdrawing support for the system. Those who are familiar with this website and subscribe to Bealtaine Cottage take this as a given. There are over 900 blogs and 4,000 photographs on site…enjoy!

  9. I wonder if it is too easy for those of us fortunate enough to live in a rural area to embrace such notions. The real ‘elephant in the room’ is population. With upwards of 7 billion on the planet, most living in high-rise cities or urban slums, the impact of any changes we make is minuscule. Discussions about the harm done by the production of meat/soya, or organic vs GM, mean little to the millions barely able to scrape together enough food to survive.

    • With an average of 4 grazing animals to each human being, I would suggest it’s more to do with equity than actual numbers of population…though over-population is a real issue. We in the west have an arrogance that demands a certain lifestyle paid for by the rest of the globe. Destruction of the rainforests benefit the west in general. There are multifarious issues relating to population, few of which our governments address…

    • Of course there are those who have to eat what they can get, but I’m a little sick of hearing all the scapegoats. People who can’t afford fresh vegetables, but can afford MacDonalds. If you can afford take-a-ways, you can afford proper food. Much of this is sheer laziness, every labour saving device and can’t be bothered to cook for their own families. I live in a very affluent village and the people here say they care about climate change, but not to the point where they will change their own habits. I am vegan, but don’t even know of a vegetarian here. The place is littered in big cars and 4x4s, and the homes are opulent. There are kitchens which cost the owners many thousands of pounds, but they won’t use the oven because it might get dirty, so it’s microwave or eat out. The people could well afford organic food and I know several people do buy it, but most don’t.
      I’m afraid that the majority of people rich or poor, care more about what the neighbours think of them, than they do about the state of the planet.

      • I experience the same here in Ireland. I was giving this some thought today and believe we need to eat more seasonally, organically and homegrown if possible. I ran 2 allotments in London, so it can be done! As I type I have a pot of potatoes on the wood-burning stove. When almost cooked I shall stir fry with onion and shredded cabbage…a delicious Bubble and Squeak…mmm…my mouth is watering! Some chopped nuts over the top and there’s one fab meal! I may even have a glass of home-made Blackcurrant wine as well!

      • This is true in the U.S. as well. Entitlement is rampant! A large majority aren’t happy with what’s needed to function adequately whether it be the size of their homes, or what’s in them. Everything must be in style with the latest gadgets and decor. Dried legumes and frozen fruits and vegetables are generally affordable; however, junk food is more appealing. Suggesting that one transition to a plant-based diet typically results in responses such as, “what can I eat then?”, or “why?”. At a recent holiday meal, I served vegan options for every stage of the meal. And one of my own family members stormed into the kitchen saying, “I don’t know what these people eat!” Well…”these people” are concerned not only for the cruel and inhumane treatment of animals due to factory farming, but the enormous impact that system has on our environment! They’re not only attempting to improve their own health and well being, but are trying to do their part in slowing the obvious damage occurring to this planet! What would it take to initiate the drastic measures required to halt the damage so this planet may continue to sustain life? Governmental restrictions throughout the world?! Returning to a life without the conveniences we’ve become accustomed to, such as living off the land as native peoples did? Personally, I’d do whatever is necessary for the planet to recover…even if it meant giving up electricity and gas, growing my own or foraging for food. Of course that would be a huge lifestyle change. But it would be worth it. World leaders need to put their differences aside and work together to act rapidly. Even though many met in Paris recently and reached agreement on addressing climate change, they’re doing too little too late. Politicians are dwelling on trivial matters that won’t make a bit of difference if this planet is unable to support life. I’m disappointed that none of them in the U.S. have made climate change paramount in their presidential campaigns. All we can do is what we’re able to individually, and hope and pray others will wake up and do the same.

    • There’s also an enormous amount of untapped growing space and untapped resources in the West in order to feed the population. I’m talking about permaculture inspired rooftop gardens such as Milkwood Permaculture has established in Australia; the Garden Tower Project that allows people to grow 50-70 plants in 2 x 2 feet of space, even rotating if not all sides of that space receive sun; front yard gardening; edible landscaping all over towns like Todmorden, England; the principles shared by Toby Hemenway in his new book, Permaculture City. The beauty of all these sorts of projects is that they address food security, as well as provide jobs in broken economies and inner cities.

      Overpopulation is a problem, but we have not tapped into so many solutions before “we need a big plague to kill of 6.5 million people.” Creativity and willingness are what’s missing. People like Colette provide examples of what’s possible, and as more and more people in whatever situation, the more diverse the better, provide examples, things really will change. Imitation grows movements.

      I was surprised to learn via my Permaculture Design Course just what a difference ordinary recycling makes. It was truly astounding, as many environmentally friendly people consider that such a tip of the iceberg as almost not to count, but the implications if even 10% more people started recycling are enormous. If everyone did … it’s really quite incredible how different life would look on this planet.

      One wild card about the GM soy, etc. is that food has a vibration. People don’t often factor in how differently people behave once they start eating fresh, organic food, especially if homegrown. Schools have studied this, as well as some prisons. Just eliminating some of the most obvious toxins in the food supply could radically alter awareness and behavior in the general population. It doesn’t need to cost more; in fact, increasing local resilience and food security could actually help people thrive even in cities. It’s happening in little pockets, especially the so called Rust Belt of the US. There are ways to shift. We each just need to do our own part, whatever that is, as Colette is doing hers.

  10. I watched a BBC4 programme over christmas “All aboard the sleigh ride”. It was about the Sami people travelling with reindeer and sledges. No words, just the two hours of a journey. I thought about the Sami people, the reindeer and the Tundra they live in and then the inevitable comparisons with my own life. The trees in the Tundra are a third of all trees on the planet. Being a vegan, I could have issues with the fact that they eat the reindeer meat, and make butter and cheese from the milk, but I find it difficult to argue against their way of life. They use the skins for clothing and probably use every part of the animals, and they are certainly very beautiful. However, there is no animal feed brought in, the reindeer foraging for their own food. There is no pollution involved that I can tell. Having done a little research, I can see that the Sami people are up against the huge logging companies, that come in and decimate the woodland the the reindeer herders rely on. When the reindeer forage in the snow for mosses, they only find pine debri and the fragile mosses destroyed. The Sami people are well organised and have asked the government in Finland to leave the forests alone which the reindeer have relied on for thousands of years. Although they agree at the time, the loggers arrive anyway.
    Do catch this programme if you can on BBCi, well worth watching.

  11. Speak up…speak out loud…I am listening…I am changing! The more people like you inform people like me…the more people will take note and start changing their ways! Thank you Collette! Bless you x

  12. I believe that most of your bloggers are your kindred spirits. I would be surprised if you lose one subscriber. We agree whole heartedly. For those who do not believe that we are in a crisis, I say what harm will it do to err on the side of caution. How can being less wasteful and consumptive ever be a bad thing. Our lives have become a wasteland of ‘things’ and my experience is that most everyone I know have risen to a new level of consciousness and have started down the path of simple living over the last decade or more. Bless you always..

  13. We must all do our bit. My ‘bit’ maybe different to yours in many ways, but very similar in as much as we must all treat this planet of ours with respect.

  14. Time to get up to speed on CHEMTRAILS. Pollution is one issue, but CO2 is not the main issue. All life on earth (trees, etc) suck up CO2 24/7 in order to live…& pump out life sustaining Oxygen 24/7 for life. The more CO2 = more growth via photosynthesis. Climate is changing yes, but there is a scam afoot. The CO2 thing is a distraction while the world is being sprayed 24/7 by CHEMTRAILS since 1993. This is horrible stuff & also the real cause of warming. My ah-ha moment was about 7 yrs ago when I (on my own) just happened to focus on a really weird event in the sly – I just knew it was all wrong. I had heard a bit about CHEMTRAILS, but never paid any attention to it. But there it was – right in front of my eyes for the first time – an obvious assault by massive #’s of planes just turning the beautiful clear day into a CHEM dust bowl. I have become an expert on the diff betw real clouds vs. fake CHEM gloomy white CHEM vapor clouds. Not for here, but the ingredients being sprayed r horrific – the sun is now 80% less visible than prior to 1993 – rarely a clear blue sun day anymore. The CHEM layer does not let the heat of the day dissipate as it is supposed to – hence heat. Up until this yr, the gov’t denied CHEMTRAILS – now they admit it…but say it is a “remedy” to counter warming – it is CAUSING the warming. Start watching ur sky – see the planes spraying in patterns – always “up wind” so the winds carry the CHEM across the area – and also see the big CHEM fogs roll in. Your sun disappears just about every day – if it is out at all.

    • So all these scientists that are so worried about CO2 and methane have got it all wrong? By the way, increased CO2 levels do increase growth, but research has proved that beyond a certain concentration, growth becomes spindly and the plant/tree gets disease prone, so it’s not good news.

    • I agree about the chemtrails – the Guardian even did a couple of features on the subject earlier this year: and
      With this sort of thing being not just tolerated but apparently encouraged, and the UK agreeing to join the US and France in blitzing Syria on the eve of the Paris Climate Change conference, it is difficult to take anything the government says on the subject seriously. Especially when the ongoing destruction of the rainforests and the ozone layer seem to have fallen off the agenda in recent years.
      However although I take anything the government tells us with a very large pinch of salt, especially when it involves new taxes and restrictive legislation on the “little people” (we pay for the environmental damage and prevention while big business is allowed to pump out all the carbon it wants in exchange for token gestures, in a system that enriches the Wall Street banks) I do agree that we still need to do all we can, especially where plastic pollutants are concerned.
      The FairPhone is one enterprise that aims to tackle environmental waste. I’m not sure whether Bill Gates or representatives of Apple attended the Paris Climate Change conference – I would love to know what they think about the environmental waste that increasingly disposable computers, tablets and mobile phones create.
      I agree with Colette’s sentiments on this issue, and I don’t eat meat or dairy anyway (though I do eat fish and eggs). But I think we all have to tackle this issue in our own way. I protest against war and fracking, but do the politicians ever listen? I’ve also been carrying out my own personal protest by not donating to the big corporates, as far as possible. All my utility bills are with small, local firms. I mostly buy food from local Asian fruit and veg suppliers and hope to have an organic veg garden of my own some day. But there are some sacrifices I won’t make, especially while our dear leaders are happily “getting Britain’s mojo back” by bombing poorer countries to oblivion, emitting shedloads of carbon into the atmosphere without a care, egged on by the same media that are telling us that polar bears are dying and it’s all our fault.

      • I agree with all of your sentiments, because the essence is that we each do what we can. For my part, I have no respect or tolerance for government. The road I live on is one and a half miles long and I am the only person on the road never to have received a Gov or EU grant…despite being the only person to have planted trees…over 1,000 trees. So, I ignore government and EU and just get on with doing what I feel to be right for Mother Earth.

  15. Well said, Colette!
    Fear not. With every one reader you “might” lose, you’ll gain many more by speaking truth.
    There are not enough truth sayers anymore.

    I’ve been badgering my husband for years now that we NEED to get out of the suburbs and back to somewhere that we can be more sustainable – not be consumers, and have to rely solely on the services that we must here.
    To grow our own food and medicinal herbs, and eat/support local organic. To have wood fire for warmth, cooking, hot water. Avoid plastic wherever we can – I like oiled/waxed cloth for covers. To slowly begin to nurture the earth once more, and support others who do so, and to set examples.

    To not support political parties that don’t resonate future sustainability.

    It’s frightening what’s happening.
    Small steps can make big changes. Try until my last breath…

    • I have just listened to Richard Heinberg and he has stated that this must be a ground up movement of people as those who are in charge right now are not going to lead as they are in severe denial fuelled by greed…So, let’s get going with this!

  16. It is the same in the southern hemisphere…but the references to groundswells begun and to acorns growing to oaks are very true…it is up to us all, the common people, to do our bit…but voting the right people into Government helps too! Keep up your good work, you “haven” and your blog are an inspiration to all of those who have lost hope!

  17. Well said, Colette. If we ‘the little people’ do what we can, and demand that proper care of our climate is more important than any war, perhaps we can get decent, honest (not in bed with the likes of Big Pharma, oil companies etc ) politicos in power we can accomplish this in our lifetime. I too fear what lies ahead for our grandchildren.

  18. – I could never cut you off for speaking what is in your heart. I am a Texan, and we speak up here.

  19. From Little Acorns Mighty Oaks do Grow ! Colette you are one of those little acorns and you are growing !!
    By example you are showing how it is possible to make changes however small they may seem, that carried out by many become large, together perhaps we can start to make a difference whether it be , by word , example or just trying and doing and begin to be the change that is necessary.
    I will always be a meat eater, though I will limit the amount and eat it only once a week and will source that as ethically as I can, I have tried Tofu and a) didn’t like it and b) like others who have already commented I do not agree with it’s production
    I would love to see schools in all countries teach children basics of food growing,cooking, preserving food, first aid and a “make do and mend” and appreciate that 2nd hand can be good , be proud of clothes they have adapted or made instead of buying the “latest fashion” . and be Happy to be individuals , after all as I have pointed out to my children and grand children they all hated school uniform, but want to be dresed in the ” Fashion uniform” consumerism perpetuates. I appreciate by letting people become individuals that have opinion and think, is possibly not what Governments want , but it is what this Earth so desparately needs now,
    So I for one will continue to follow your journey at Bealtaine Cottage, and Wish you and your little patch of Mother Earth all the Best for 2016 and the years to come xx

  20. Collette you are so right but I don’t understand how the topic immediately switched to growing soy? Just because you switch to a prodominately plant based diet does not mean you have to switch over to soy instead. There is protein to some extent in all vegetables and fruits even. And if your eating enough calories, you don’t need to sub out for soy anything. There is a group of Drs on you tube you can look up to find all the info you need to be vegetarian or plant based and not use soy at all if you don’t want to. Look up Dr Mc Doughall, Dr Gregger- nutrition, Dr. Esselstyn- Forks over knives, T Colin Cambell – china study and a few sites that are useful engine 2 diet, and Happy Herbivore as well as Collette herself I don’t see posting pics of her latest tofu creation. Wheither cutting out meat completely or switching to less and more humanely raised please don’t think anyone is saying go eat a bunch of soy products. You may think that it’s all crazy and so drastic but we have to do something drastic and crazy to solve this.

    • There is a lot of evidence coming forward now about negative effects of soy. We need a wide variety of compatible proteins to replace meat. Protein matching is something of an art, but doable. I confess I have been lax about it but this year my new year’s resolution is to commit to doing more and better!

      • As I stated to Robert, 90% of the Soya grown is for the fattening of animals for slaughter. As a Vegan I eat very little Soya. A Vegan diet sources protein from a great many foods. The other issues are equally important.

        • We have a local farmer who has been experimenting with heirloom versions of soy seeds. There are literally thousands of types of organic soybeans, and some of them have vastly different properties from each other. If you’re interested in hearing about his findings, here’s his website: … We would not pattern our entire diets around soy, but fermented organic soy such as tempeh and miso has been a traditional food for thousands of years. It’s the hexane isolated soy protein, the Roundup covered, and unfermented, GMO soy that causes the most of the reported side effects. Seriously, there is a soybean to grow in any climate. We heard John Sherck talk, and were very impressed. xx

      • I haven’t found it that difficult. Francis Moore Lappe’s book “Diet for a small Planet” very clearly explains about substituting vegetable protein for meat protein, and provides many recipes. That said, it is not a vegan cookbook, but likely there are many useful bits of information for someone who wishes to go Vegan. In that respect, it may well be a more of a challenge. We need less protein than the ads maintain. We can get an efficient balance of amino acids by mixing different protein sources. Some 40 or so years ago, A scientist I knew was working on improving sheep’s wool, in western NSW (Oz), and he set out to explain how he was setting out experimental diets. Same principal. Not difficult to understand, though he found that most people didn’t seem to get it. Get them a copy of “Diet for a Small Planet”, I said.

  21. You speak the truth. It was almost 70 deg. Fahrenheit here in new Jersey yesterday, should be 30F.. It has been raining for days. Got bit by a mosquito in my back yard and thunderstorms were rolling through most of the night. The grass is still green and things are growing. People need to pay attention.

  22. I remain following you and your blog. There are steps I am able to take and steps I am unable to take. I absolutely support your point of view and dearly wish I could live as you do. I hope to visit Belaltaine in early March and will be back in touch. I must travel by air to Ireland. As a citizen of the USA I am entirely disgusted. I’ve given much thought to voting in the upcoming Presidential election – the entire process makes me sick. If I were to choose to vote for Sanders my vote would be a throw away. What are the choices? To abstain may even be worse. There is much more I could write – it is almost impossible to buy foods not wrapped in plastic even organic. I am a child of the 60’s – I saw the collapse coming as early as 10 years of age – as a 72 year old grandmother I am saddened, disheartened and ashamed of the greed, paucity of intelligence, and overwhelming corporate nightmare destroying the hearts and minds of even the most innocent of young children. And yet, I too have hope, the Light will prevail, the Mother will save herself, we may not survive, but our beautiful blue planet will.
    I do hope to visit you. If I could not plant my feet and my soul on Irish soil I would surely be lost.
    Thank you for your courage and inspiration.

      • Thank you Collette. I will be in the west at the end of the first week of March. It is my plan to visit Bealtaine Cottage with Clare Lynch. We will contact you as soon as dates are firmed.

        I want to mention I work with The Agency for New Americans. It is the first point of contact on US soil for refugees – the work is rewarding and heart breaking.

        You and I and all the rest of Us have so much work to do. So much digging.

        As our collective consciousness stretches into the heavens and bumps into the pain, as we reach each other across the planet, as our hearts and mind and the internet blessedly connect us to each other there is hope <3.

        The truth before us remains a universal understanding of the interconnectedness and universal interdependency of all species.

        Not simply on an intellectual level, we must dig deeply on a visceral cellular level as well .

        Even those who profit from greed have this cellular knowing
        …whether acknowledged or not we are One Organism.

        So, as our Mother will survive so may the rest of us separate and connected individuals survive.

        A challenge, on a Macro level, is one of believing we are individual entities; since the beginning of Man's time we are inducted into a cultural hypnosis that led us to believe: I am separate, I want, I must have.

        I struggle and become lost. I become scared of the path, the narrow path twisting inward and deeper into the core of the Earth and simultaneously opening to the Heavens to the Goddess. No matter…I do not turn back. I will not.

        Each in our own way must stay the path.

        Do not be afraid even in your darkest moments you. We are All One.

      • it is the State I live in that makes it a waste as far as the electoral college is concerned. MY vote on a local level will have more of an impact. I appreciate your comment. I do plan to work as much as I am able on a get out the vote campaign.

    • If you vote for Sanders, your vote will NOT be a throw away! How could it be in a primary election? This is where voting for Bernie counts the most.
      Bernie Sanders is America’s only hope–perhaps the entire world’s only hope.

  23. I have just been to put flowers on my parents headstone – and could barely get near because of the sodden ground. I have never seen it like this before.
    What you are saying is absolutely true and needs to be said.
    I for one will try harder to lower my consumption and I certainly won’t be quitting your blog.
    Good wishes to you

  24. I have thought about being more conservative in our use of resources too. I agree with you on the retiring or cutting back on using beef as a protein source, due to its high use of resources. I eat only organic and non-GMO products. Fracking does use alot of water, but we need to make alternative energy more earth friendly, cost effective and productive. We definitely need to stop cutting down trees in the rainforest. I have gone paperless for all of my bills and avoid getting catalogs. Walking and using a bicycle works if you live near your workplace or the grocery store. But here in the U.S., stores are often too far away, and groceries are too heavy to carry. Sometimes the neighborhood is not safe for single women to walk alone. We do have hybrid cars. Companies and individuals are still inventing new energy efficient products, and energy sources. I still have hope.

  25. I’m not sure why you think people will unsubscribe. Maybe I’m a little naive but the people who read your blog on a regular basis already know that you believe in climate change. We also know that you are doing everything you can to limit your foot print and strive to put back into the earth more then you take out. When I was a child my mother told me “each one, teach one”. What she meant is that if we each are able to touch just one person we will have a positive impact. How many have you touched by your example,

    We all get angry, scared, frustrated. I believe that by your life, your example, by opening your home to the world so that others can see the possibilities, these things have had a greater impact then you will ever know. I know you have had a profound impact on me. My only hope is that you keep writing, keep nurturing the soil, and keep letting us see the wonderful transformations that have taken place and will continue to take place in your life and at Bealtaine Cottage.

  26. Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
    I support what Collette shared here. The agribusiness is creating more pollution than anything practically. If you don’t know that watch Cowspiracy the movie and read Meatonomics. And a vehement yes as Collette points out war is creating devastating effects on our climate that no one speaks to. Consider the changes Collette is making. See what resonates for you. Thank you Collette for being a voice of truth.

  27. I love reading your postings collette so please keep making this stand In helping mother earth by helping so many people to understand and reaching out to so many. You are a very inspirational lady x blessings to both you and yours

  28. You are spot on with the impact war & conflict have on the climate.
    I read recently though I can’t remember where, the pentagon has a carbon footprint equivalent to an average Western European country.
    The defence department of the USA puts out more greenhouse gas than a Country the size of the UK!!!

    We shouldn’t in my humble opinion demonize livestock & say all of us becoming vegetarians will solve the problems.
    Pre agriculture, when we where still hunter gatherers vast flocks of grazing ruminants habited the earth.
    I consider it’s the methods of agriculture to be wrong. & industrialisation & intensification to blame, as much if not more than over consumption.
    If we only eat what can be sustainably reared or grown then the earth will start to heal.
    Giving up intensively produced dairy & meat, & substituting it for equally intensively grown soy or almond product might have a lesser carbon footprint but be even more environmentally damaging.
    The almond orchards of California are less biodiverse than the Sahara desert, fact.
    Intensive cereal growing is responsible for nitrate pollution of waterways & severe soil (& soil carbon) erosion, fact.
    Look at the ingredient labels on margarine & try & find one without palm oil?
    The damage palm oil production is doing both to the climate & very threatened eco-systems is vast, on a global not local scale.

    There is no doubt we should be eating less animal protein & dairy, both for our health & the planets but we should be very careful what we choose to replace it with.

  29. Well stated and a delight to see something so complicated be put in such a short, succinct manner. I am not subscribing and this is the first time I have read your blog. Love it already and pleased to see that your readers are also so well informed.

  30. Hi Colette!
    Merry Belated Christmas!
    You will never lose true friends for speaking the truth; at least not me. We have to band together, be strong and speak the truth. Otherwise, life as we know it will cease to exist. We are in a true Culture and Climate Crisis. People need to hear the truth and it takes dedicated, brave individuals like you to speak out!!!! I admire and adore you even more <3

    I agree with you that we are very much in a climate crisis but I do not support the substitution of soy for animal protein. Soy is not the health giant that it is believed to be. It is one of the most mucous forming foods that you can eat and most of the soy produced goes to feeding livestock unhealthy and unnatural food substitutes. Modern agricultural practices are destroying thousands of acres of Rain-Forest per day!!! I feel that we need to drastically improve our efforts towards sustainability and perma-culture.

    My boyfriend and I are in the process of cutting back drastically on our consumption of animal products and switching to organic, grass-fed, locally-sourced and humanely slaughtered animal products. People need to return to their roots. Grow a vegetable garden, learn to can and preserve their own food, raise grass-fed chickens and goats for eggs and dairy. There are tons of new books coming out about how to be an urban and/or suburban farmer on as little as 1/8 of an acre. Our beloved Mother Earth can still be saved if we all stand together in a unified front.

  31. I first encountered your blog 24 December and subscribed. This post tells me I was fortunate to subscribe. Thank you. _/\_

  32. Very sadly our Western politicians have failed us and the planet; far too much support for the money-makers at the cost of our environment. James Lovelock said, quite some years ago, that there was now no turning back and advised “You might as well just get on and enjoy the ride!” However, I am hopeful of mankind’s ingenuity to solve things, but this is almost far too big for us. Interestingly a week of no flights in or out of Bristol (when there was the Iceland volcano) apparently gave them clear, unhazy skies for the first time.

    • Lovelock and & Margolis also said that when we reached the tipping point it would be fast (paraphrase) this was in in 1972. It is important to credit Lynn Margulis as she was the WOMAN scientist working with Lovelock. Margulis rarely receives credit.

  33. Just one comment – how much rain forest would have to be cut down to grow more soya to satiate the needs of all these new vegetarians and what would be the negative climatic change of that loss of oxygen producing trees? Question: Why are we not just planting a lot more trees? Our island used to be covered on coast-to-coast forests – we should be replanting forests and managing them as a resource.

    • Are you aware the majority of Soya is used to feed factory farmed animals?
      I have planted all my land with trees…over 1,000 thus far.
      Give me more land and I SHALL PLANT IT!
      Crowfunding anyone?
      As a vegan I eat little soya.

    • Most people associate soy with tofu and soy milk. However, only a small portion of soy is consumed directly by humans. In fact, most of the world’s soy crop ends up in feed for poultry, pork, cattle and even farmed fish.

      Unbeknownst to most of us, soy is found in almost all commercially produced meat or chicken that we eat.

      And unfortunately, the expansion of soy to feed the world’s growing demand for meat often contributes to deforestation and the loss of other valuable ecosystems in Latin America.

    • None. As far as I’m aware over two thirds of the Soya grown now is fed to livestock & the conversion rate is not great.
      A large part of the cereal production also is fed to livestock.
      Knock that out of the system & there’s plenty of arable land to support us without more deforestation.
      If we only eat (those of us that want to remain omnivorous) less but better quality sustainably reared meat (organic grass fed) instead of corn & veg protein fed as the majority is the impact on the environment would be vast.

    • Robert, the soy grown in S America for example is not for human consumption. Proportionally, very little is consumed by humans. Even if we grow human soy in place of the animal feed soy, it would use less space because animals are very inefficient converters of plant protein to animal protein – I believe beef is one of the worst at 10 kilos of plant proteins needed for 1 kilo of plant. On top of all that is the amount of water used for animals and in ‘their’ processing. I fully concur about planting trees though – we need to do this everywhere, but not just as a resource, but because it’s just the right thing to do.

  34. Oh Colette, you must always speak your truth. For too long, I have dressed things up and skirted around things to avoid upsetting people, and where has that got me. I’m already a vegan and have not flown for 20 years, but I can do much more and i will. I have just started reading Mark Boyle’s latest book, Drinking Molatov Cocktails with Gandhi. Mark suggests the old 3Rs of reduce, reuse, recycle should be replaced with Resist, Revolt, Rewild, for it has to come to that time when we need to make a stand against all that is killing our Mother Earth.

    • When I first arrived here, the middle of nowhere as it was 11 years ago, I was the polar opposite of the person I now am. There is much still to do and hope is what fuels my actions…that and profound love for the Great Mother. I plant for her and the hope that human life, in some small way, will continue to dwell with her…

  35. I very much agree with you about the silence regarding war as a contributor. Keep speaking up!!

  36. Hi there, I hear you and agree with much, however I do not believe that soy is a good dietary substitute, partly down to how it is produced and partly down to how it affects us. War has affected so much, from the bombs used on Japan in the 40’s to all the chemicals used now. None were used in a vacuum or controlled way so they spread everywhere over our beautiful planet on the winds, in the earth and through the water. It makes me sad and angry that so much damage is being wrought upon so many by thoughtless, selfish humans. Sorry for the rant, will understand if you choose to delete. Merry Christmas! X

  37. My sweet beautiful friend. I stand by your side in unison with everything you said! OMG I honestly did not know about the beef and lamb!!!! I shared this on my Facebook wall, knowing full well I will also lose friends, subscribers and the like.

    But, what you said NEEDS to be said. Being from the USA in this regard is embarrassing to say the least. But, changes need to be made, no matter how difficult. We can do it together if we believe…It takes village….

    PS – you will never lose me as a subscriber. I kinda adore you too much!!!! 😉

    Much love and Happy Christmas and a Blessed Yule! xxoo


  38. You keep my vote ! I have to fly as I work away from home but I use public transport only, and I am vegan, buy at markets wen I can , avoid plastic bags, reduce – reuse- recycle, run an organic hill “farm” and office, with rescue chickens & cats as the only animals, our only non vegan input is chick shit that is mixed with large amounts of greens and shredded office paper. I am converting it to be a Forest Garden. This doesn’t remove the negative of flights: but its part way.

      • Being aware has to begin with knowing what the truth really is. It is not as we are bought up or led to believe. Our governments don’t work for us or protect us as we assume. We have ridden the roller coaster and now we have to get off and go back to daily life. The small things we treat with disdain such as cooking real food from simple ingredients, Sharing food at the table with the family. Giving thanks for the food, however humble. Growing what food we can. These are the everyday things we need to teach our loved ones. Sadly we took our childrens turn at the circus and now we have to make their lives exciting and meaningful as they repair the damage we caused. We need to find fun in the mundane things we chose to run from.

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