Recipes, Cats and Ponds

First of all, the recipes have just been posted over at Bealtaine Cottage Kitchen on the Good Life website…and here’s a link:


Sammy-Bear is well and truly zoned out here on the sofa.

dsc03201I was going to sit down, for I’ve been out most of the day at the pond, finishing clearing the pond-weed! Oh…at last…job done! dsc03202I stood and watched his restful sleep and decided to sit elsewhere! dsc03203He’s a lovely boy who deserves his comfort! dsc03204The signs of season change and early autumn are now quite visible from the windows of the cottage, with lots of yellow appearing on the young Ash trees. By the way, there are lots of Ash seeds for sale and these trees are very, very easy to grow…even as Bonsai! Here’s the link to the seed site…

dsc03229You can see from the following pics the amount of clearing I’ve done.

dsc03211It was a mammoth task and I’m jolly glad it’s over! dsc03212The next task involves continuing to clear around the banks and the woodland around the pond.dsc03228





The water is cloudy but this should settle in the next day or so.dsc03233Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.  Buddha

dsc03232Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. 

John Wooden dsc03220dsc03221I have a mind to just get on with things…head down into the wind, not looking to right nor left and working until I’m exhausted.dsc03230

dsc03207dsc03209This is probably why I have refused the help of others and never allowed woofers to stay here…I’ve always been stubborn!

However, it must be said that I love a challenge and hard work is good for mind and body, regardless of age. dsc03206dsc03205Rebellion against your handicaps gets you nowhere.  Self-pity gets you nowhere.  One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world–making the most of one’s best.  

Harry Emerson Fosdick

dsc03235dsc03236dsc03237Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.  There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.

Elizabeth Kübler-Ross


  1. Your pond work is amazing! So beautiful…I was watching to see if some fairy folk would appear in your pictures!

  2. What a beautiful labor of love, the pond looks amazing.. the vibrant purple of the flowers by the cottage are amazing. Love the pics of Sammy Bear, the picture of perfect peace, and of laughing Buddha. The quotes are always wonderful. You are so blessed to have spring water flowing. Is it like that all over Ireland, can you dig anywhere and have a spring bubbling up to the surface? If not did you know that spring water was present before you decided to purchase your small holding? Or was this a surprise blessing? I agree with your other followers, its no accident we have found your magical Bealtaine Cottage. How blessed we are!

    • I divined for water in the Fairy wood as I felt water was there. The copper rods went crazy over this spot which was solid rock, layers of sandstone. I pick-axed my way down three feet and water began to fill the hole…and has flowed ever since!

  3. Collette,
    Hope it’s OK that I call you Collette–I feel like I know you as I have become a devoted fan!! I live in the deep south of Louisiana and stumbled upon your website by accident; or maybe it wasn’t an accident–maybe it was meant to be. Anyways, you have changed my view of gardening and Mother Earth and my life!! If only everyone could see and realize the destruction man has caused to this beautiful meant-to-be paradise earth. How angry Mother Earth must be with us! But you have shown us that she is truly forgiving. The miracles that have happened at Bealtaine Cottage are incredible and I share your love for all things Mother Earth has given us. Though my parcel of ground is only a few potager gardens and some flower beds, I am doing my best to work some magic–with Mother Earth’s help. You are truly an incredible and beautiful soul! Keep giving us the joy of your beautiful work with Mother Earth!

    Kindred in spirit,
    Linda J

    • Bless your kindness in expressing appreciation! So many have come upon Bealtaine Cottage “by accident” that I believe there is a greater force at work! Mother Earth is never angry with us, as mothers are never truly angry with their children. She wants the best for us…all of us…and we have got to listen and respond. Blessings on your work with Her and for Her XXX

  4. Collette, that’s not a pond, that’s a lake!!!!! Well done. You’ve done a wonderful job. I think you’re right in saying you just have to get on with things & “not look right or left” until you get to the end!

  5. Hello! Nice cozy post! Would love to visit your kitchen blog but apparently you have it set to “private” and I cannot enter.

    Thank you for all you do to lift our spirits and encourage others!


    Sent from my iPhone


  6. So gorgeous and other-worldly! Love every single thing in each photo. Your kitty and that cozy fire – my idea of heaven! Thank you for all your hard work and sharing it with the rest of us who dream of Ireland.

  7. What a treat it is to follow this blog! Thank you for the recipes, for the encouraging reminders to stay positive, and for the delightful photos of Sammy-Bear. By the way, the pond looks amazing!

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