Great Mother Rising…Ignoring the Tyranny!


I made a video today.

I had every intention of talking on several issues, but found myself almost mute as I walked the woodland.

A strange kind of afternoon, for there seemed to be little birdsong too.

dsc04521Silence appeared to be universal.

This often happens after Samhain…though I know not why.

dsc04522For my part I’m inclined to go with the flow and whatever the Cosmos is channelling.

dsc04525There appears to be a ramp-up to conflict towards war happening in the world of Man…deliberate and dark.

dsc04528It grieves me.

The elements of abusive and hate-filled Patriarchy, that has fuelled fear, horror and utter chaos for over two thousand years, are eagerly moving towards one last onslaught.

dsc04538There is so much hate it is almost possible to taste it on the air!

dsc04529Politicians and religious leaders are doing their utmost to hold back the tide of change, issuing decrees and telling falsehoods to keep humankind from evolving…yes, evolving…for we have been revolving for millennia!

dsc04530You are reading these words and looking at the images of Bealtaine and feeling confused…

dsc04531Yet this is the true reality…this is the Great Mother rising!

dsc04532Her energy is so strong that it manifests reality wherever She finds a portal.

dsc04548And a portal She has found here for sure!

dsc04564This is love and joy from the Great Creatrix!

Remember her imprisonment in the matrix of monoculture…like prison, grey, bland and impoverished?

dsc04533There was no killing, just planting and nurturing the Great Mother back to health…something so utterly alien to political and religious leaders!

Force and diktats being their order of the day!

dsc04534My tolerance for these people of chaos and destruction is now zero.

dsc04539I cannot and will not tolerate their verbiage! 

In the continuing attempt at paying my way I have opened a Cottage Gift Shop…

A Little Bit of Bealtaine Cottage…

In the Bealtaine  Project tradition of putting it out there for free, I’ve made another video (No Ads!)

Blessings and more power to you XXX Colette


  1. This is such a beautiful post.. Nature will survive despite what we humans do to her and ourselves.. I have only watched part of your video but have subscribed and will watch the rest tomorrow..
    Love and Blessings
    Sue <3

  2. I opened this tonight after feeling so lost these past days. Frightening, the world. I am glad that Mother Earth will survive without…us. God, hear our prayers. Juliana

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    • Never allow fear to overwhelm you, for that feeds into the tyranny of these monsters! Summon up your indignation and channel your healing energy into helping Her. Blessings X

  3. your words and photos are a continuing source of amazement and inspiration to me, it refreshes me just to visit you in this virtual space….. much continued success to you… your biggest fan from across the big pond

  4. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
    A beautiful respite from systemic insanity! I, too, spent time in the garden on this unseasonably warm November 2. The beauty, abundance and cycles remind us to slow down and get back in touch with what is real. A thunderstorm outside is cleansing and electrifying the air right now. Blessings to you wherever you are…

  5. It is time to re-read Buckminster Fuller’s Earth, Inc. (1973), more needed now than ever. He too, was disgusted with the “fear-amassed credits of warfare…warfare itself represents man’s postponed, unplanned and violent readjustment of the economic balance sheet…”

  6. Colette, I noticed the quietness on your walk also, a moment of silence in the maddening chaos <3 I was wondering about seeing you in your outfit you designed with your finishing touches ….? and also love the new gift shop! Have a lovely evening (morning)

  7. Thankyou for your words for they are very true and very needed at this time. Its a time to meditate and pray for our mother Gaia, Nature and nurture and for everything embued with feminine loving energy and Spirit. Bless you for what you do for Humanity and the rising of the truth of the Aquariañ Age.

Your comments are welcome!