Infinite Healing Workshop


“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
~ Rachel Carson, Silent Spring


As more reports enter the public domain about the decline of flora and fauna in the natural world, the abundance and sounds at Bealtaine Cottage seems to soar.

IMG_2030Those who attended yesterday’s workshop attested to this simple fact, as they explored the paths and gardens that link, one to another, in a seemingly endless journey through Nature.

IMG_2031Rachel Carson wrote this over fifty years ago…

“We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost‘s familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been travelling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road — the one less travelled by — offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth.”
~ Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

IMG_2032I am on the road less travelled.

IMG_2033Something of a hermit in a world besieged by those who are driven by acquisition and spiralling discontent.

IMG_2035Bealtaine Cottage now exists as a Ark for Nature. IMG_2034That which has brought humanity to this point of peril, exists outside of Bealtaine.

IMG_2036I continue to tend and stand guard on what, to me, represents the sacred, while churches, temples and shrines gather people to them, looking ever skyward for the meaning of life…yet life clings around their feet, plundered and stamped to dust.

IMG_2037And so I continue on the road less travelled…happy and blessed to be so.


I will be hosting another workshop on Saturday, July 1st.

For details and to book your place, email

The Book, “A Cottage and Three Acres”

A Cottage and Three Acres…The Bealtaine Story!


  1. You are spot on as usual. So inspiring!
    I was just thinking of you this morning as I picked fresh chemical-free strawberries from my attempt at a Bealtaine-style permaculture fruit and veg garden. Such abundance that there are way more than enough for me, the birds, slugs (I don’t mind about some of these as I know a toad lives in the cool of the strawberry patch) and mice.
    No nets for the first time ever thanks to your example!
    As I picked I was surrounded by butterflies, bumble bees and hoverflies and listening to the songs of countless birds. Wonderful!

  2. Lovely, as always, Colette! We’re in the final week of our relocation, which involves almost as many plants and cuttings as furniture — bringing as much of the mini-ecosystem established here an hour north to a yard of much less biodiversity. Once settled, I am so looking forward to ordering your book! Thank you for holding this light and doing the real world work of planting and tending. Love and blessings, Laura

  3. Colette, I’m very sorry to hear about your recent issues with people online. I hope you are finding solace in the fruits of your labour. I’d like to sign up for the workshop, can you tell me how much it will be? I will book it through the donate button. Thanks so much and sending you good wishes, Sarah.

  4. I walk a path where I believe in God my Heavenly Father as one who teaches us to care for this earth, Mother Earth, or reap the consequences which we already see all around us. When I’ve had a particularly rough day at work I will watch one (or a few) of your YouTube blogs and feel myself unwind. The videos of natures beauty and your calm narration does it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful place and words of experience..

  5. Bonjour Colette! I am learning a lot from all your words and photos! This year the garden is looking better than ever! There are new flowers, never seen before, (some will call them “weeds”) In the past I was trying to get rid of them but now they are free as the wind! And soooo beautiful! As beautiful as the ones coming from the nursery! There is a corner of the garden, planned for the dogs…with a fence which disappear in the surroundings…And this corner is our best place to be when we want to cool off a bit…in the middle of the “timbered” which grew all by itself! Paradise! Eden! Beautiful little breeze, birds, wild flowers…and the dogs relaxing…And at night….Faeries! (well some people will call them “firefly” ) but I know they are faeries! Thank you Colette for being the queen of the faeries!

  6. Those words are so true Colette. I am also on the road less travelled. Since I have been serving Mother Earth and getting to know what she likes I feel so contented now . My garden is so full I cannot see any earth and wildlife is all around . Under the veranda of the Summer House a pair of Swallows are building a nest . It all just fills me with such joy to think that they feel safe to make their home here and have their babies. I too never feel the need to go away on holidays etc , and the funny thing is my cottage is called The Hermitage. All the above is because of you , you are such a massive inspiration and a truly remarkable lady . THANK YOU. Beautiful photos and sending love to you, Jack , Sammy Bear and Beauty. Xxxx

Your comments are welcome!