Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Crafting at the Cottage…Recycling Junk!

Bealtaine Cottage permaculture potagerJunk!

Lots of unwanted and used bits and pieces…I just find it hard to throw anything away…well, there is no ‘away,’ is there?

This is an old bread bin that the bottom fell out of…makes a great planter for tomatoes as it retains the heat.

The ghostly reflection of the cottage courtyard taken in the thin winter air of a rainy morning.

This mirror is reminiscent of the one belonging to “The Lady of Shalott,” in that it has cracked from side to side…but is destined to reflect the images found on the inside of Bealtaine Cottage once more.

For it has become part of the Mirror Mosaic currently  constructed above the mantle in the sitting room.

A line of hearts ready for Yuletide and the Christmas decorations that will festoon the interior of Bealtaine.

All these have been made from recycled materials…old fabric swatches from a furniture store, buttons saved over time in glass jam jars and kapok stuffing removed and stored from old cushions and unwanted toys…

Nothing is unwanted really, even in a world of peak everything…for soon all will be of use!

Indeed it has begun to happen!

Tin cans have so many uses!

The cost of old metals has soared recently and as the world tumbles into recession, everything we have taken for granted will become of importance… 

Up-cycled broken tiles…make a great floor!

Old and very beautiful stained glass windows are up-cycled into an equally beautiful cupboard for my bedroom.

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