Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

In Search of Fairies on a Summer Eve…

In search of fairiesIt could be the way the light hangs in the sky this evening…

Or the stillness of the air as a mist starts its’ way up the valley…

Or may even be the predominance of moths fluttering in the still air down in the Fairy Wood, in the gardens below the cottage…

I’m walking the gardens in search of the Fairies.

Although most people here in the West of Ireland will tell you they’ve left the fairy faith in the past, there is a lingering moment, between asking whether or not they believe in the Fairies, and the reply in the negative.

That moment of hesitation is all one needs to be aware of!

Fairy faith is the belief in fairies, of course.

When the Milesians, the mythical race described by an 11th century scholar in Lebor Gabála Érenn (The Book of Invasions), came to Ireland they banished the natives to the underground and they became the Sidhe, the fairy folk.

They reside in old ring-forts, stone circles and inside and under magical trees like the Hawthorn, or Fairy Thorn as it is known here in Ireland…particularly one growing alone in a field.

No farmer disturbs the Fairy Thorn, for to do so brings almighty bad luck!

There is a Fairy Thorn in the wood below the cottage, hence the name, Fairy Wood or Dell, as it lies in a hollow, well below the cottage.

And so I ramble the gardens, quietly, patiently looking here and there for movement or unexpected light.


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