Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Magic Everywhere! 011

Something strange happened last night, for I slept so very deeply and woke early.

It was as though an enchantment had worked a magic everywhere!

I say this, because I spoke with friends this morning, who had similar experiences.

All day today, time has seemed to move so very slowly, though all year it has been remarked that time appears to be speeding up.

Perhaps there is magic in the date…

This morning has witnessed me once more standing atop the range in the kitchen, armed with a crowbar and quite suddenly realizing success, with the sounds of solid chunks of resinous soot falling down the immense cavity…the chimney is now cleared and the stove, once more, warms the cottage.

Soft light from candles illuminates the descending night and soup simmers in the pot.

Who shall describe the inexpressible tenderness and immortal life of the grim forest, where Nature, though it be midwinter, is ever in her spring, where the moss-grown and decaying trees are not old, but seem to enjoy a perpetual youth.~ Henry David Thoreau

“What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.

It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.”

― Agnes M. Pahro

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