Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Living Lightly

poster bealtaine

It’s amazing how much one can live without.

And how much criticism one gets for daring to leave the accepted standards for today’s society!

I made this poster less than 24 hours ago and posted it on Facebook and Twitter.

 The reasons why people feel the need to denigrate such a poster are very interesting indeed.

There is an overwhelming need, in most people, to conform to what they imagine to be the accepted normal in society, be that politics, religion, diet, dress…etc.

Stepping outside of this normal can be an uncomfortable experience for most.

Making the decision to live outside of it, however, is the opposite!

It is truly liberating!

If we are to progress in living on this little planet, then stepping outside of the current mainstream and taking the time to look back in, can only be beneficial in planning a way forward.

A way that will not cost the Earth.


I write to encourage, help and inspire mindfulness for our beautiful world and have photographed and written over 870 blogs on the Bealtaine Cottage site, as well as over 110 videos on YouTube…all free from advertising!

I appreciate your comment, liking, sharing, or even leaving a small donation. Blessings X

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