Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Who Controls You? 005

Midwinter approaches.

The holiday season draws near.

There is no television here at Bealtaine Cottage, so I am unaware of the masses of advertising you are being bombarded with!

I realise that the pressure is upon you to spend, spend, spend!

But, hold on a minute or two and think about this… Every pound, euro or dollar you spend this Yuletide will put you deeper and deeper into debt and force others to compete with the madness that is gift-buying!

As you spend, so the debt piles up around you, pressing you down, deeper into the mire of anxiety!

Many people spend to the limit on their plastic cards and spend the entirety of the following year just paying it back.

This represents the most insidious form of control on what should be a life of choices and freedom.

All the time you are controlled by debt you are enslaved…and for what?

Most of what is bought at Christmas ends up in landfill sites over the ensuing months.

Mother Earth pays a huge price for your debt slavery.

Who controls you?

The same corporations who pollute Mother Earth?

Change begins with you and me and the freedom to choose!

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