Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Time of Hope

Imbolc is the day that we celebrate the passing of Winter and the return of Spring.

Imbolc marks the seasonal change, where the first signs of Spring and the return of the sun are noted.

A festival of light, to celebrate the return of the sun, now gaining power in its’ ascent from its’ low travail across the horizon.

I walked out across the gardens today, recording in image the day of Imbolc.

The rays of the sun, felt warm upon my face and as I walked away from it, warmed my back.

This renewal that is Imbolc has cast its’ energy upon the land and myself…here I am re-sculpting the beds near the veranda and creating more of a movable pot garden.

The hens in the hen-house are sitting against one wall of the building where the sunlight falls warmly upon them.

Even they are aware of Spring and have begun to lay eggs once more.

Lunaria seed-heads have finally scattered the next generation of flowers and seeds to come.

Sammy-Bear finds it is his time to be outdoors, almost invisible in the light dusting of snow on this Imbolc morning.

Many stems of shrubs and trees give off a vibrancy of colour as the sap begins to push up.

Later today, in the cottage, as the day closes, I shall light candles in each window to celebrate the return of the light and for a brief moment or two, illuminate my home with every light and lamp switched on!

It is heart warming today to realise that the snow will melt and the warm days lie ahead of us.

A time to contemplate changes and new beginnings…a time of hope.

And in tune with that hope, new wine bubbles and ferments in the warm kitchen, ready for warmer days and celebrations.

Winter projects, such as this knitted throw, are brought to a conclusion…soon to be finished off and gifted to its’ recipient.

The last days of candlelight are here.

The dark days are over.

The sun ascends…

Illumination, warmth and renewal lie ahead…

All is light and renewal…

Prayer for Imbolc
Morgana West
On this Imbolc day, as I kindle the flame upon my hearth,
I pray that the flame of Brigid may burn in my soul,
and the souls of all I meet today.

I pray that no envy and malice,
no hatred or fear, may smother the flame.
I pray that indifference and apathy,
contempt and pride,
may not pour like cold water on the flame.

Instead, may the spark of Brigid light the love in my soul,
that it may burn brightly through this season.
And may I warm those that are lonely,
whose hearts are cold and lifeless,
so that all may know the comfort of Brigid’s love.


I write to encourage, help and inspire mindfulness for our beautiful world and have photographed and written over 870 blogs on the Bealtaine Cottage site, as well as over 110 videos on YouTube…all free from advertising!

You are very welcome and appreciated by leaving a comment, liking, sharing, or even leaving a small donation.

Blessings X

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