Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

The Bealtaine Project

Bealtaine Cottage before and after

Bealtaine Cottage was created, using Permaculture ethics and principles, on the poorest of soils, despite all the evidence suggesting the impossibility of success…a vision entirely funded by one woman, Colette O’Neill. As time passed, Permaculture evolved into Goddess Permaculture, based upon Earth-centered, Divine Feminine spirituality, with the Goddess embodied in every aspect of the old Cottage and Sanctuary Gardens. 

The photos above were taken at the same time of the year, April, but 12 years apart. (Checkout the bare Ash tree at the top of the driveway in both images!)

Despite applying for EU and Irish Government support for the Bealtaine Project, no support has ever been pledged…in fact Bealtaine Cottage and Colette O’Neill have been, over the past twelve years, ignored!

A bitter pill to swallow in a land where agriculture is grant-aided continuously.

Creating and funding the Bealtaine Project has been difficult, in that a mortgage to purchase the cottage and land had to be sought, leaving Colette to carry the debt until the age of sixty seven…no mean task for a woman living on her own.

Nevertheless, Bealtaine Cottage has gone from strength to strength through worldwide good will, support and donations…and now, with the book just published by Colette O’Neill, “A Cottage and Three Acres”

In fact, in spite of all the odds being stacked against success, Bealtaine Cottage offers a vision for a world of possibilities and inspiration for all, keeping Mother Earth at the heart of life!

Over the years, your support has provided Colette with a computer, camera, internet access and hope…to spread the message of Bealtaine far and wide…

Supporters of this little place have been drawn to visit from all over the world, enjoying tea and scones in the little kitchen at Bealtaine Cottage, however, due to the work in maintaining the gardens, Colette sadly has to refuse visitors now.

Bealtaine Cottage…keeping the main website free for all, along with a NO ADS Youtube channel and FaceBook site.

“…the care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope.”
Wendell Berry

If you wish to make a small donation in support of the work at Bealtaine Cottage, then bless you XXX…

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