Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Celtic Mysticism, the Goddess and Permaculture…

Autumn permaculture at 017Perlagonium continues to flower.

The nights are drawing in.

Autumn begins to harvest the land of leaves and green, as Winter waits in the wings…

The culture of the West, and its reliance on centralized government, has lost its way regarding Nature, seeing her only as a resource!

Politically, governments have aligned themselves and us with the world of big business.

The madness of the policy of continued economic growth amid finite energy sources…and all to create more and more wealth for a very few, including themselves.

This smallholding of 3 acres continues to give up her harvest.

It is incredible to think that gardening and growing food, as we know it today, has only been operative since World War One and the use of chemicals on the land.

Rarely is Nature now regarded as sacred, valuable in itself and in any way seriously considered.

This has happened in less than three generations.

The heart of the Celtic understanding of Nature is to regard the female, the Goddess and the Divine in all living things.


The king, or ruler, is assumed to marry the land in the persona of the sovereign Goddess.

Thus they become partners.

Marriage was regarded in this culture as a joining of equals…

What would Earth look like today if we regarded the environment as our partner instead of our servant?

Permaculture is about working hand in hand with Nature and recognizing her sovereignty in all that lives.

For many, this brings a remarkable sense of the Divine and the sacred nature of Gaia.

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