Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Careful Watchfulness in a Permaculture Garden

A garden is a grand teacher.

It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.

– Gertrude Jekyll 1843-1932

Lilac in the front garden in April of last year.

There’s a great promise of an even better show this year from the look of the buds!

And just a few feet away from the Lilac tree is the Kanzan Flowering Cherry…again, this is from last April and the promise this year looks good!

There is something so very joyous about seeing blossom in the Spring-time. These gardens at Bealtaine Cottage are all-year round gardens, planted to surprise and delight during all four seasons.

There is no spot of ground, however arid, bare or ugly, that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight.

– Gertrude Jekyll

Can there be anything more delightful in a garden than edible flowers?

Chives is one of my favourites and is perennial, so there’s no fuss…just plant and watch it spread every year!

A garden is never so good as it will be next year” – Thomas Cooper

I am trying not to run ahead of myself too much so am limiting my curiosity to looking only at the April album from last year…this is the tunnel last April and as I look I can see just how much difference a few days can make at this time of year!

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.

– W.E. Johns, creator of ‘Biggles’, 1893-1968

I read all the “Biggles,” books as a child, being that the local library must have received a donation of the entire collection! 

By the lower pond in the Bog Garden…as I drove down the lane-way this evening there was a heavy flapping of wings as two ducks made their heavy ascent from the surface of the water off into the darkening sky.

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