Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Vintage Feel to Frugal (…or the trend of less is more).

I’ve been de-cluttering over recent weeks.

An empowering exercise that allows one to see the beauty of less is more…

Despite the trend of pretending to have little, distressing perfectly good furniture to add a vintage look and working hard to create a ‘country, frugal feel,’ to one’s home, the reality of actually living this way is liberating!

At Bealtaine Cottage, money is not an option…living a frugal life is the only way to go and the rewards are immense.

The little stool above has been carefully re-painted each year to protect it from the elements.

The plastic slippers are several years old, comfortable and practical, despite costing only a couple of euros.

Bird boxes all made from bits of used wood and metal, a gift from a friend in a fair exchange.

These will be put up around the gardens for yet more birds to make their homes in…a pleasure to watch that money cannot buy!

A permaculture gravel garden, fashioned from the leftovers and recycled bits of everyday life.

Logs, stones, tyres and stones, merge together informally to lend an “always been here,” feel to the courtyard of the cottage.

A garden path made from spare gravel and plant cuttings, together with scattered seed and wild flowers, cost: zero.

Simplify your life.

Less really is more.

Keep it natural.


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