Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Time to Reconnect with Gaia

willow arch and CheThis has been a great year for trees…amazing growth!

Willow, pollarded and coppiced has made good growth too!

The morning has been wet, but very still and autumnal.

Crocosmia Montbretia is struggling to climb out from underneath the lush leaf growth. Both Che Mousey-Bear and Sammy-Bear have walked the gardens with me, despite the rain and the wet conditions.

Strange little fellows!

The branches I chopped earlier in the summer are almost ready to be stacked in wig-wam shape to dry out.

You can see from this photograph just how near the bedrock is to the surface of the land…I garden on very thin, poor soil on a north-facing slope!

Everything is grown from seed, so has a fighting chance of making it, despite the far from perfect conditions.

Mother Nature has worked miracles here at Bealtaine Cottage!

The rain has clung to cobwebs all over the gardens…

One web dangles with raindrops…

The new orchard is making good progress. I am keeping the ground well mulched as the trees, bushes and flowers find their feet!


Now working towards installing solar and wind power, your donation is  much appreciated.

Blessings from Bealtaine Cottage

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