Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Fairy Lights 009

Winter sunlight turns bare branches, that drip with rain, into fascinating fairy lights.

Silver prisms of fantasy, dangling precariously from thin Birch trees.

The days of light and dark are confused with bright full moons, illuminating the bare landscape…

This is a delightful time of year, as the sun makes its steady progress downwards, ever down…

Light is delicate and unpredictable, sometimes overwhelming in its glow, at others, just a whisper of the day.

Entire worlds are captured in water droplets.

Fitting too, as water and sun give life.

The coppicing continues and long branches are hauled up from the gardens to the dry environment of the veranda.

This is next year’s fuel for the stove.

Seeds continue to be sorted and packaged.

These are special little packs requested for Yuletide gifts.

Poppies are easy to sow…simply sprinkle!

Most of the second run of Christmas booklets have been posted… all over the world!

The few remaining will not sit here for long.

It’s strange sorting seeds at this time of year, as it seems that summer was only yesterday…gosh but the time passes quickly!

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