Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Grievous Sin

midwinter cottage 012The biggest threat to our food security lurks in the shadowy depths of the Halls of Power…the buildings housing the European Parliament in Brussels.

You may or may not be aware of something called The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

TTIP is a trade agreement presently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States.

In my estimation, this will allow full and unfettered access to our food production, from multi-national corporations, such as Monsanto, that carry the weapon of GMOs.

I call this manifestation of utter madness, GMOs, a weapon, because that is precisely what it is…and a weapon that will cause more devastation to the environment than anything concocted in laboratories ever before!

This is already the case in the US, as small farmers, producing Organic food, are hauled before courts accused of property rights violations by Monsanto.

Monsanto claims ownership of any plant material infected by their GMOs!

Once this insidious and odious polluted seed of mass destruction is unleashed into the environment of Europe, supported in Law by the TTIP, then the takeover will be fast-tracked by our own governments, who are mandated by us to protect us, not US Corporate interests!

The countdown to the ultimate weapon of mass control and destruction is under way.

You need to know what is happening.

Knowledge is power.

For my part, I will not comply with any law that says a corporation controls and profits from the very essence of life itself…seed.

For their part, all they have done is take the seed of the Divine Creator and pollute it.

That, in my eyes, is a grievous sin.

Bealtaine Cottage has built up a Permaculture Seed Bank.

If you want to see a list of available seeds, this link will take you there…

Seeds from Bealtaine Cottage in Ireland are posted all over the world!

No More Seed Available At Present!


              Bealtaine Cottage is also on YouTube…with over 110 videos about Permaculture, planting, growing and living.
                                                    There are almost 800 blogs in the archives on this site.

I write, photograph and film, in a small way, to give a voice to Mother Earth.

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