Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Visiting Bealtaine Cottage…

June 2011 Bealtaine Cottage Permaculture 002Visitors to Bealtaine Cottage have been welcomed in their thousands over the past ten years.

Many have become good friends.

I have enjoyed sharing Bealtaine Cottage with foot visitors from all over the world, as well as over half a million through the website.

Increasing amounts of my time have been spent happily showing visitors around the three acres of gardens.

However, as the website has grown in popularity, I get more and more requests from people who want to visit the cottage and gardens.

A decision simply had to be made, to draw a line under visits, instead, opening the gardens as many times as I can manage, during the year, for Open Days!

The first of these Open days is planned for the 5th of April.

I am happy to open my home and gardens on these days to all visitors.

There will be an admission charge for charity and more details can be found on this link.

Any questions regarding visiting the gardens can be posted in the comments section of the blog.

I can no longer respond to emails, as subscribers to the blog increase.

I trust you understand the increasing demand on time I face and the need for me to simply get on with work, serving Mother Earth as best I can!

Blessings as always for your love and support for this little place in the West of Ireland.

I am truly blessed!

xxx Colette


              Bealtaine Cottage is also on YouTube…with over 110 videos about Permaculture, planting, growing and living.
                                                    There are almost 700 blogs in the archives on this site.

I write, photograph and film, in a small way, to give a voice to Mother Earth.

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