Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

New Beginnings“She turned to the sunlight
    And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
    “Winter is dead.” 
― A.A. MilneWhen We Were Very Young 

And so the Spring is here, truly here.

The earlier light in the morning forces me awake.

I have taken to painting, cleaning, bottling wine that has sat in demijohns all winter, patiently fining and clearing in a natural way.

Sheds have been tidied and barns cleared.

Cobwebs, (and there’s lots of them here at Bealtaine Cottage…I blame it on the wood-burning stoves!), corners and book-shelves have been brushed.

Mats taken outside and shaken, beaten and brushed!

Garden paths are now tidy and edges turned in towards the beds.

Potagers mulched…gosh, I’m feeling tired just writing about it all!

All the cutting and tidying has even revealed a very old Ganesh, here at the entrance to the Fairy wood.

Rose arches that have slumped over the course of the winter, have been tied in and supported.

Even the tunnel is tidy, as the Nectarine tree makes a show of itself!

The hammock seat has been hung once more on the veranda.

An old bench is renewed with weather protection and placed in a new spot.

Fennel, along with other seedlings are growing strong and sturdy.

The bottom barge on the cottage has been painted as a weather protection.

Energy continues to rise…I hear it in the early morning with the birdsong, so beautiful and alive!


Spring is the time of plans and projects.” 

― Leo TolstoyAnna Karenina

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