Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Keeping Hens, in the Town or Country

 The hens have settled into their new home and are all laying.

Happy clucks and soft singing emanates out from the hen house.

The secure enclosure promises to keep the Fox family away…for I have lost too many of my lovely hens to Mr and Mrs Fox. Inside, the house is spacious and comfortable, with an upstairs and five windows in total!

The system is similar to the one I used in London for over a decade.

It is known as a deep litter system, using lots of straw.

The dirty straw is then used in the gardens as a mega-mulch!The deep litter system allows the girls foraging in a limited space and I collect greens for them on days when they are stay at home.

Days when I am in the garden, the girls are allowed out under my watchful eye!

The mulching continues unabated, as the grass paths are mowed…grass clippings are piled onto cardboard as a weed suppressant, allowing newly planted trees to get a footing!

This is the system I have used for ten years and all the fruit trees are producing well.

Honesty is in full bloom now and being enjoyed by the bees.

Most of the early bees are bumble bees and are most prolific here at Bealtaine Cottage, where succession planting keeps all visitors fed from February through to the end of November.

The painted stone Cockerel stands guard by the front door of the cottage.

Newly mown paths allows everything alongside to look lush!

The Cherry tree, grown from seed, stands covered in blossom,  with the promise of lots of Cherries, some high for the birds and some low for me!

The Bealtaine Feast has begun!

Seedlings are flourishing in the late Spring sunshine.

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