Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

The Art of Seduction

Rain falls softly as I type.

The day has given way to evening and the sun sets in the west behind the trees.

There is a chill in the air; I have lit the stove.

Birds swoop low over the roof of the lodge; so low, I can hear the sound of their wings.

Over recent weeks there has been much clearing out of sheds, cupboards and closets, as the energy of approaching Midsummer holds sway.

Through all of this, I have been mindful of need; keeping up a steady flow of goods to charity shops.

Ever mindful of human need, my mind turns to scarcity.

What does it mean and how does it affect us?

Scarcity is the fundamental economic problem of having seemingly unlimited human wants in a world of limited resources. It states that society has insufficient productive resources to fulfil all human wants and needs.

The art of seduction in society has led to a feeling of scarcity in the mindset of many people.

Media and advertisements seduce many into a perpetual state of want; and when not getting what they desire, into a state of perceived deprivation.

This is what creates and maintains consumers.

Living in a corporate society means being a consumer.

It has suited successive governments to align their economic policy with that of corporations, turning us all into little more than consumers.

Every aspect of our lives is heavily weighted in favour of consumption, yet not even the corporate junk food fills us up!

In the process of this debasement we have lost our sense of community and dignity.

We have been systematically seduced into a continual state of perceived scarcity…the cause of a deepening unhappiness. 


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