Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Plundering the Future permaculture

All our wealth comes from the natural world.

Looking out upon the Midsummer Solstice morning makes me want to weep…for what are we doing to our beautiful planet?

This is a stark realization, in terms of how we relate to Mother Earth, for we can survive without most material goods, but cannot survive without good food and clean water.

Much of what we eat and drink today is predicated on the use of massive amounts of chemicals…and all being pumped into, or spread upon, Mother Earth.

We are not just soiling the nest, we are destroying the habitat around it.

Not even animals do this!

Somewhere in all of this are people with real concerns, who are aware of the dangers ahead; only some people though, as many are still unaware, or refusing to face reality.

The reality is, in my opinion, quite stark.

One only has to start looking at the figures, such as loss of topsoil, loss of food growing agricultural land, number of force fed, factory farmed animals raised for excessive consumption on an annual basis.

The list goes on and on and the figures add up to frightening and alarming of destruction of habitat, for they point directly to an unsustainable world.

Unsustainable growth and development is when we plunder the future of our children, restricting their lives for our own wants and desires.

The health and well-being of future generations is dependent upon us all being mindful of caring for our Mother Earth and all her bounty.

Living lightly is not living without, but living with a care for our environment, our habitat and the children whose faces we will never see…

We will be remembered for our caring, or scorned for our destruction…


Bealtaine Cottage is also on YouTube…I have posted over 110 videos about Permaculture, planting, growing and living.

I write to encourage, help and inspire mindfulness for our beautiful world and have photographed and written over 720 blogs on the Bealtaine Cottage site.

As an Ark for Nature, trees and wildlife, the smallholding of Bealtaine Cottage receives no grant aid from either the Irish government or EU. Everything created here is self-funded.

Any donation, no matter how small, goes a long way in sustaining and developing this site.

Blessings X

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