Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Chocolate Brownies on a Frosty Morning


The oven was very hot on the wood stove last night.

As I watched the thermostat creep forever upwards, I imagined it to be a sign…to make a batch of Vegan Chocolate Brownies…never waste a hot oven!

And so I quickly got the ingredients together from the pantry and whipped up a tray and a half of these delicious, and extremely nutritious, treats.

I went to bed safe in the knowledge that the morning would be filled with hot coffee and chocolate brownies…and it is!

The recipe?… I hear you ask!

Well, here goes…

Vegan Chocolate Brownies

1 can coconut milk

Half a glass of organic millet (I use a half pint glass)

150g chopped dates

Mix together in a saucepan and cook slowly on low heat for about 40 minutes


Mix and mash in a big bowl:

3 ripe bananas (I buy the brown bananas very cheap!)

half a glass of cocoa powder

4 tblsps sunflower oil

3 tblsps cornflour

1 tsp baking soda

Mix both mixtures together when ready.

At this stage I add oats, sesame seeds and other healthy seeds and grains I may have to total about 2-4 ozs

Spoon into a big baking tray and set walnuts on top.

Bake at 180C for about 45 minutes.

And there you have it…no animal products whatsoever and very healthy!

Meanwhile, Sammy Bear and Charlie are making full use of the dresser, as Jack has taken to sneaking their food!

The day was just gorgeous yesterday, all sunshine and rainbows.

With the diversity of planting comes lots of winter colour, as you can see…much more interesting than a lawn!

All this and wood for the stove!

Complete with a rainbow!

This morning is very cold and frosty, but equally beautiful.

With fresh coffee and brownies, it is idyllic!

The stove is lit and the kettle sings low.

There is a small stretch in the days…about 15 minutes per week is added to daylight after the Solstice!

The frost is welcome as it will help in breaking down garden waste and allowing it to be taken down into the earth by the worms and insects.

There are plenty of leaves all over the gardens waiting to be dealt with in this way.

Never clear a winter garden, or cut back too early!

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