Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Letter From Christine…


I often receive letters and emails from those who have visited Bealtaine Cottage and Gardens.

I treasure them as the words therein inspire me to keep on this busy path of sharing Bealtaine and caring for the Earth.

This evening I have taken more photographs to share with you, as I share the words penned by Christine, who visited Bealtaine some days ago.

Thank you dear Colette for the wonderful time with you in Bealtaine Cottage yesterday.

We felt so nourished and inspired, your inspirational company, wise words and delightful home so full of beauty, vitality, and a healing presence. 
Almost like a dream for me waking this morning and feeling – wow – I was actually sitting with you yesterday in your garden, stroking Jack, enjoying our conversation, my eyes feasting on the plants, flowers and trees, the sounds of the light rain, the chimes, the birds and your soothing voice…a real treat. (Of course eating your gorgeous vegan brownies too).
We all feel very grateful to you.

It’s a total inspiration having you create and share Bealtaine Cottage and being not far from us here, a ‘wake-up’ and an eye opener! 

 We each felt so comfortable, at ease and at home…of course many questions bubble this morn inspired from our visit. 
And also some grief…some of what you shared about deep sadness for how we are living as a civilisation, how we have lived with such lack of respect for the earth, the animals and plant kingdoms and also each other.

Such disconnection…and some of that being reflected in the challenges we have to face…
We went up to the Queen Maeve Cairn at Knocknarea after leaving you…such breathtaking views…

I felt very grateful and blessed for good souls like yourself, living from the heart, soulfully, passionately, the warrior energy to follow one’s own heart-calling and live it, a real warrior path…takes courage tuning into one’s own heart, not that of the tribe or the need to be accepted and fit-in.
So thanks again dear Colette. Much love to you, to Jack and Sammy Bear and of course your beautiful space and it’s healing spirit. 
Christine x (Nick and Raphael xx)” 

On this night of the first new moon of Lughnasadh, I am content to be compared to a warrior.

For, in so many ways, my journey to this point has been a battle at times…not with Mother Earth, but over the twelve past years, on my own, when I have had to motivate myself to stay with the project.

There have been times along the way, when I have felt nurtured by others, the kindness of strangers on the internet who have supported me when I have needed it most.

Serendipity has played a huge part in the Bealtaine Project!

You know who you are…and my blessings are many and often as I think of you!

This year has witnessed a beautiful maturity in all I have planted and continue to love. I, in turn, feel nurtured by Mother Earth… There is a lot still to be done as we move into uncertain times. 

There are important messages to share that empower us to act in support of Mother Earth, such as I share on my Twitter and FaceBook accounts…

Digging Mother Earth releases into the atmosphere…and why I don’t dig! Likewise… absorb from the air, through the small holes (stomata) present on the lower side of

We are putting out double the amount of that can be absorbed by plants on Earth…Plant more!

Carbon is a gaseous food absorbed by plants…so let’s plant more!

Social Media is a powerful tool and can be used for great good in getting simple messages like these out there!

And, like all old warriors, I’ll just keep on keeping on!

Bealtaine Cottage Good Life membership is 12 euros per year and allows me a small income to continue to grow the Bealtaine Project both here in Ireland and in the hearts and minds of good people all over the world.

Please join…

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