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Times of Insanity…Seeking Reality

I rarely dip into the outside world in terms of mainstream media, for it unnerves me!

I keep myself occupied in the world as I know it…the one where I weave wreathes from Willow and Dogwood…

The one where cruelty and chaos are not allowed entry!

You’ll understand my terror, for that’s why you’re here…to touch base with reality!

Yes, this is reality…as it was meant to be and in the world most inhabit, is not!

I have always chosen this reality, both as a child living in poverty and as a mother creating sanctuary for her children in London.

I have always sought out Mother Earth, wherever she was hidden from view by retail parks and shopping centres, housing estates and suburbia.

I chose this reality.

I planted it, brought it forward, share it and allow it’s force to move out in waves of healing and peace.

We all choose our own realities and what we allow carelessly in or strive to keep out!

The Lughnasadh Garden is another reality being birthed at Bealtaine.

Just as wanton destruction is being justified all over this Sacred Earth, the need for creation is more necessary than ever in the history of what we laughingly refer to as “civilisation!”

And, if you are brain-washed enough to think for a minute that politicians will lift us all up to a better life, then you should really seek your inspiration with them… and not here at this little portal!

Regardless of party/gender/colour or creed, politicians take us to war and care nothing for the protection of Mother Earth…and that in my view is unforgivable!

Today I am feeling angry with what I saw as I looked at the world through the poisonous media.

Even Social Media is being taken over by hate and vitriol!

As I approach my birthday and my 61st year, I am becoming convinced more and more of the need to keep one’s head down and continue to nurture and care for Mother Earth.

It’s all I care to do, for there is much destruction and violence all around that has reached a point of insanity!

I don’t know where to go from here, except to keep doing as I do and keep this website going…where, I do not know! 

(Thank you Alana!)

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