Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Thanksgiving Blessings from Ireland

IMG_0557Fourteen years ago at the beginning of the Bealtaine Project, I had no contact with anyone in the US.

My perception of American people was very much decided by all things Hollywood and the news broadcasts that informed me of all that was negative.

It’s shocking how our view of the world lies in the power of so few!

As the years here at Bealtaine Cottage have passed and the great work of planting so many hundreds of trees has changed the land and fortified the future, I have blogged and vlogged the journey to anyone who was interested.

In this way, through interaction with so many subscribers, friendships have formed and many have made the journey to Bealtaine Cottage to visit for themselves…in fact many summers have been filled with regular visitors from all over the world!

It is difficult to keep up at times!

The kindness of strangers has overwhelmed me on countless occasions, as I received gifts…some arriving on the darkest of days for me!

(Living alone can have its downside now and then).

I have come to value the sincerity and genuine kindness of people, many of whom live in the United States.

I am amazed at the spirit of the real American women I have got to know, so hardworking and stoic, so resilient and kind…a force to be admired!

This morning I have stepped out to take these photographs for you as a sharing gift on your Thanksgiving Day.

The men of America who have found their way to Bealtaine Cottage proved surprisingly wonderful too…unlike the Hollywood macho nonsense so often portrayed as representative and so, so wrong!

From my perspective it takes a fully formed human being to show kindness, compassion and respect…qualities displayed again and again in those men who have made the journey.

I’m rambling, I know, but this little blog is simply to say, “I feel honoured to have met so many of you here and on YouTube, for you have opened my world and my mind!”

Blessings to each one of you for your love and support.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with love and laughter.

May the days to follow be filled with hope, for your optimism in the face of hardship is the true Spirit of America!

Blessings to you all XXX

Colette and Jack and all the life-force that is Bealtaine Cottage XXX

Enjoy the rest of this morning’s photos…

(Bealtaine Cottage books, map and 2019 calendar are available using the link at the top of this page).

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