Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


The summer is fading into autumn, one can feel it in the air. The full force of Lughnasadh dominates the mornings and evenings, cool and silvery, temperature and light heading the change, now no longer subtle.

Last year…

Cleaning the lower pond on a fine day in early October was, as always, part of preparing for yet another change, that of Lughnasadh into Samhain. Once more, the reflective light of water is welcomed into a darkening environment, as the days contract and clear night skies become as important as daylight, especially when illuminated with a full moon.

Rowan berries on a young tree in the Fairy Wood.

Angelica turns to seed preparing for the next chance to grow and bloom!


The beautiful vase purchased in Rathcormack Market, created from the earth and displaying a wonderful otherworldly kind of beauty. This pottery is called “Raku,” and originates in Japan. The hedgerow bouquet, filled with many magical herbs and flowers, was freely picked as I walked Jack.

Ancient Sites

I have been exploring many ancient sites in North West Ireland, taking photographs for my upcoming book. Many are to be found near old monastic sites, confirming what I always thought was the specific energy found in these locations and therefore appealing to the more contemporary religion.

Magical Stones

The stones hold the energy in many of these sites and can relay the stories if one is prepared to listen…

Rowan Tree in the Fairy Wood

It’s not just the stones that hold onto the stories and act as connections to the Otherworld, trees resonate with Earth magic too and can take the pulse of the land. One learns to read these and tune into what lies beneath and around!

Fennel adds scent, shape and colour to the sitting room. I have brought the old coffee table in from the lodge veranda for a cosier nest for the months ahead.

A typical meal of mixed, seasonal vegetables, cooked with spices and added seeds/nuts, topped with yeast flakes. I love these mixed bowl type meals as cooking this way allows me to use what I have in the fridge and pantry rather than endlessly shopping and following recipes!

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