Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Imbolc is Near

It has passed, the midwinter is now behind us in Ireland as we rise towards the light.

Imbolc is near, less than four weeks away.

The four great Celtic festivals that mark out the year, embodied in four faces that in turn are faced into the light, catch the future, as the past is shadowed. Look forwards…

The birds are calling to one another as the mornings lighten and the dusk is stretched out in lengthening days.

The great birthing is underway as we wait in eager anticipation of all that is promised. New life awaits planting, for Mother Earth loathes scarcity…a human imposition!

The light grows.

Imbolc is known as “in the belly” for that promise of rebirth, life and light.

I wish to thank all of you who sent me gifts during the dark midwinter, brightening my days and reminding me that even though I live a solitary life, I am not alone… and the many who sent donations, I have thanked you via email, thank you XXX Colette

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