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Welcome to Midwinter and the End of Baktun 13

Bealtaine Cottage Permaculture AngelThe Maya calendar was based on multiple cycles of time,  and one of these cycles was called a Baktun.

A Baktun is 144,000 days.

This is also measured as a little more than 394 years.

This is like a re-setting of the clock as the Winter Solstice approaches, for Baktun 13 ends on the 21st day of December, the official time of the Solstice.

No one paid much attention to the end of Baktun 13 until fairly recently.

Interest in the Mayan Calendar began in the 1970’s and has continued with great aplomb since then.

Some have referred to this date as the end of times and many have aligned the date to a great cataclysmic event, possibly signalling the end of the world.

This much I know…we are in a time of great change and with that, great hope.

The Mayan Calendar was cyclical.

Our own calendar is linear.

Therein lies the difference…

Collective consciousness is manifesting.

Many people feel the vibrational level of everyday life change.

If someone had told me 8 years ago just how much my own life was about to change, I would have laughed at them for being ridiculous!

Change is to be welcomed…

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