Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Permaculture Brings Hope…before and after images!

It’s been almost nine years since I began planting this smallholding in the west of Ireland. Before permaculture. Bealtaine CottageMany of you are familiar with the landscape as it looked then.

The picture above shows Bealtaine Cottage after a lot of cutting and clearing, around the time that the planting began.

This picture shows the same view today.

As you can see, the cottage is obscured…melting into the gardens of intense production.

The lonely, abandoned cottage on the first day I saw it.

Disappeared into the Permaculture Gardens of Bealtaine Cottage…nine years of planting by one woman and a spade!

This picture shows the Bog Garden after the first pond was created and the surrounding land cleaned up for planting.

Photographs taken at the time depict a barren looking, rushy, wet landscape that offered little hope or sanctuary for gardeners, growers, wildlife or Nature.

The same view down to the pond is obscured with dense and abundant planting.

This nine year journey has opened my eyes and my mind to the problems facing the entire planet in terms of food production, sustainable living and facilitating Nature.

The answer is simple.


As the planting develops, so fertility returns to the land.

Birds choose to set up home nearby.

Frogs, Toads and Newts find their way to your pond and start to breed.

Wild flowers make a show…like these wild Orchids.

Fruit trees and bushes grow and give you fruit…more than what can be harvested!

Micro-climates evolve as everything grows.

Fuel is harvested.

Small mammals settle into chosen areas…there is a Badger set at Bealtaine Cottage now.

Your body becomes attuned to the seasons and good health follows.

The best part of all this, is that although permaculture requires  labour to set up, it is maintained with minimal work and attention.

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