Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

How to Change the World, Starting Today…

Roses open at Bealtaine Cottage todayMany people are feeling dis-empowered and frustrated at the way the world around them seems to be disintegrating.

It is the role of mainstream media to keep you locked in that paradigm, for it is much easier to control and influence those who feel helpless and dis-empowered…ask any victim of domestic violence or bullying!

You would be truly shocked to realise how much power you really have!

You can reclaim your power, along with your humanity, in just a few short steps…steps that will lead you on to bigger and better things!

Change the world, starting today, with just a few, very small changes…

Buy local.

If we are merely consumers, then exercise your power daily and often.

Count how much you refused to give to the corporations…for they are definitely counting!

Be frugal.

Our grandparents were actively encouraged by government to be frugal during the war years of WW2 and how many times have you heard them say that those times were happier and more fulfilling…

Consume less.

Processed, TV dinners and junk food is killing us…return to the art of cooking and eating at a dining table.

Clean out wardrobes and closets.

Give away or sell what is surplus to your quality of life.

Walk more.

Don’t just drive into town where parking meters are waiting to gobble up your precious pennies…park on the outskirts and walk in.

You will meet other people, enjoy your surroundings and get some good exercise, as well as save money and avoid the stress of parking wardens!

Grow food.

The social life on Allotments and Community Gardens is fantastic!

Turn off TV.

Enough said!

Speak out.

Find out the email addresses of local and national newspapers and fire off the regular broadside at them, about issues you feel concerned about.

You have a voice, use it!

Harass politicians!

Your local and national politicians are happy to engage with you at election time and expect you to be quiet and timid for the duration of their office…time to change that, don’t you think? 

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