Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

The First Stage of Collapse is Underway…

ban frackingThere appear to be about five stages in the collapse of any society…the first one being human impacts on the environment.

This, simply put, are humans destroying the resource base upon which they depend.

In the case of Ireland, this happens to be the soil.

In the case of almost every society on the Earth, it happens to be the soil.

The fertility of the soil is diminishing…so much so, that even here in Ireland, farmers rely on chemical fertilizers to grow sufficient grass to feed livestock.

The same happens to be the case worldwide.

Our present course is a non-sustainable course, which by definition means it cannot be maintained.

Think about that…”cannot be maintained!”

However, we should realize that none of this is beyond our control, even though our political and economic systems seem frozen in time!

Each one of us is part of the problem, so therefore can be part of the solution.

The main problem is denial and “Ostrich Syndrome!”

Let’s keep talking the economy up!

This is the only message we get from the mainstream media, politicians and economists.

However, which ever way one looks at it, our present course is headed for the precipice.

We had a massive party.

It lasted for several decades.

We told our children lies.

We told them that they could have whatever they wanted…big houses, big cars, foreign holidays in increasingly exotic places and all the consumer goods they desired.

Just go to college, we said…just get a good education, we said…then a career that will earn you lots of money.

And all the while we knew that the world had finite resources.

Well, the party’s over.

This is the morning after the night before.

We have to begin the clean-up and face into the days ahead.
As we, individually and collectively, attempt to make sense of what is happening, just keep this in mind…

Not one politician has stated the simple fact, that: unlimited growth cannot happen on a finite planet…

Apparently, not one of their over-paid advisers has yet told them this simple statement of economic fact!

We, as communities, will have to fight our governments, to try to protect what it is, they want to destroy!

The first stage of collapse is underway…but…it is during these times of extremity that the best within us can rise to the surface…hold onto that!


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