Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Simple Life

a real sofa bedThis is a real sofa bed.

It’s a bed, with a cover and lots of cushions.

I needed another sofa in my sitting room.


No fuss.

Looks good and is inter-changeable.

Cost: zero!

Most of what I have in my home cost zero.

Like this fancy mirror above the mantle piece…born from broken mirrors and turned into a mirror mosaic.

Cost: zero.

The mantle piece cost 50 euros in a second-hand furniture shop.

The simplicity of living, almost cash free, is liberating and allows one to appreciate everything that comes ones way.

Like this mosaic floor, created from broken tiles, throw-a ways from a consumer driven society.

Life within the shop-till-you-drop, over-burdened, corporate-controlled madness that passes as culture, is beginning to wane.

More people are awakening to the liberation of simplicity…a simple life.

One where culture is developed and creativity valued.

A piece of Bog Oak, found on the beach and stood up in the garden, surrounded by plants…

A simple life, is one where bees are appreciated for the work they do and not just seen as a source of honey.

There are several wild bee nests here in the gardens of Bealtaine Cottage.

I plant food for them, though have no hives.

I want nothing from them, but their labour…let them keep their honey, they deserve it!

A simple life is less cluttered, quieter, calmer.

With little in material goods, there is less to think about and worry about.

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