Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Letter from Richard 015There follows some correspondence from a subscriber to Bealtaine Cottage.

I thought it worthy of sharing with you…


As a follow up to your e-mail regarding receipt of my order for your Christmas book, I wanted to let you know that I immensely enjoy your blog and You-tube videos.


I follow Bealtaine Cottage regularly since I discovered your wonderful work through Tom O’ Brien’s program, From Alpha To Omega.  That was a brilliant interview. Your openness and natural manner really came through in quite a powerful way. 

You are inspiring and a model for what is right in the world in the midst of so much madness. 


I am so heartened by your mission of re-leafing Ireland as I watch with dismay the senseless removal of so many of our beautiful conifers and other trees here in the Pacific Northwest of America. It makes no sense to me whatsoever to take away all that grace. Yet it continues at an alarming pace.


I am so glad to know there are others who share my concern and deep love of our most noble and life giving creatures of our planet.  May the green realm prevail! 


Wangari Maathai comes to mind when I think of you and what you intend to accomplish. Please know you should not have to save the green mantle of Ireland alone. 

Perhaps your strong, unwavering voice shall enlist as many kindred spirits who shall plant not 900+ trees as you yourself have nobly done, not 9,000 trees as you intend with your own hands, but 90 million or more trees in Ireland alone!  Goodness only knows the immense numbers of trees planted to the far corners of this world from a single originating voice….  May it be so! 


May your mission far surpass your own expectations many fold, please stay safe, and take the best care of yourself.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, friend of the green!  


Many blessings to you for being such a bright light in the world.



Dear Richard…such wonderful, uplifting and inspiring words!

Thank you for lifting my spirits, for much has gone awry today…though nothing that can’t be fixed!

I am about to make a pot of tea, some toast and settle down to watch a DVD loaned by a friend…so the evening will be relaxing.
My beautiful Ireland, this amazing Earth, so abundant and caring, despite our hapless ways!

Trees are the noble guardians of Mother Earth and our source of oxygen…planting trees is an act of pure worship of the Divine…more so than any other worship we do.

Planting trees is a prayer to God, to make the future secure, for those we love and will never even meet in this life.

The Native Americans spoke of the seventh generation, the descendants we will never know, but love all the same.

We must be mindful of them, and in that mindfulness, nudge that little bit closer to the Creator.
Let us not just hope, Richard, but act in great and unshakeable faith that there will be a tomorrow for our humanity.
Blessings X

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