Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

A Sacred Space

DSCF1479 Early, matrilinear civilizations held certain areas as sanctuaries, for religious purposes.

These were marked out in forests as groves, and mountains with stone, but all bound with markers, many of which can be recognized in the landscape today.  

Here in Ireland it is still possible to walk and sit in these sacred places near water, rock and remnants of ancient forest.

In ancient societies the Earth Mother was one of the earliest deities.

Her marriage with the Sky God produced life on Earth.

This was a way of understanding the interconnectedness of life, for people evolving societies.

These are some of the Sacred Spaces that have evolved in the gardens of Bealtaine, each one co-created with Mother Earth.

The alignment of these Sacred Spaces holds particular fascination for me, for I have watched each one come into being and am aware that one must enter from a particular direction and engage the space on a particular alignment.

Alignments that engage the human interacting within the gardens are particularly interesting…

I watch where the visitor is attracted to and the position they hold upon entering that space.

These alignments indicate energy pathways, referred to as Ley Lines.

Regarding the Earth as sacred, allows one to engage with the possibility of co-creating Sacred Space. 

It is a way of opening portals to allow the Earth a sacred space in which she can re-generate herself.

Abundant energy flows from these spaces, connecting the land around and drawing in more energy.

This is the most remarked upon aspect of Bealtaine Cottage from visitors far and wide.

This is the time to create Sacred Space…

…for when we regard Mother Earth as sacred…

…we will cease to abuse her, or, more importantly, allow her to be abused!

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