Scorpio Moon


Approaching the full moon in Scorpio feels quite tense...
Approaching the full moon in Scorpio feels quite tense…

This month marks the tenth anniversary of Bealtaine Cottage.

Today, the 14th of May 2014, is the full moon of Bealtaine.

This marks the actual Bealtaine celebration, as many of you know.

The full moon is in Scorpio, my star sign.

DSCF1265All I can say is that I am exhausted and feeling like I have reached rock bottom.

According to what I have read on many of the Astrology sites, this is to be expected!

www.bealtainecottage.comApparently, all the ups and downs I have been experiencing are almost at an end.

Even as I write this, my photographs are refusing to upload!

This Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates the last of negative issues, though tonight feels very intense indeed!

DSCF1029I have been advised to gather my courage and take action that will enable me to  move forward.

Yes, that just about sums up how I see it!

It is rare that I feel exhausted, but I have to conclude that tomorrow I shall stay in bed…well, as much as I can, between walking Jack, feeding the pets, lighting the stove, seeing to the hens…


  1. A fellow Scorpio ♡ I watched the Scorpio moon rise over the ‘Big Fella’ – Mt Bogong in NE Victoria Australia. I sensed a surge of new energy and inspiration and clarity after meditating in the autumn moonlight in the catabatic breeze. Listened to the wild dogs howling and a family of kangaroos bounded through the paddock below the house. Thank you for your posts and infinite compassion – new journeys with minimal baggage. Xx

  2. Thanks, Colette, for enlightening me. I have Venus in Scorpio and have had a fair bit of tiredness this past week, in spite of not doing much. Good to know it’s nearly over!
    Enjoy your day in bed; that’s a great way to take care of yourself, I find. Hope you have a good book close by and maybe a big mug of tea, too . . . ~ Linne

    • Thanks, Linne! This has been a difficult week and a time of consideration for me and, I think, many others. I feel we are slowly emerging!
      Blessings XXX

  3. I am not a Scorpio but I too have been feeling unusually tired. Partly this is because I have allowed myself to say ‘yes’ to too many things but maybe it is also the shift in the year. Rest and take care and I hope you feel more positive soon. It is unlike you to feel like this.

  4. Colette
    I to am a Scorpio and have had the same feeling as you. It is unlike me to
    Be exhausted yet I am. You have cleared things up for me, you are a beacon of hope for so many thank you

    • My dear Carole…today, as I am in bed, I am going to enjoy the treat of visiting your blog…time is on hold! I have donned my dressing gown and walked Jack, as well as opened the hen house for the girls to step out. Needless to say the boy bears are on the bed!
      Blessings, albeit exhausted energy, Colette XXX

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