Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland


“I don’t just use yarn from a store. I buy old sweaters from consignment shops. The older the better, and unravel them. There are countries of women in this scarf/shawl/blanket. Soon it will be big enough to keep me warm. ”
Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls

I love that quote.

Her words sum up for me the magic in up-cycling…materials already infused with the energy from other lives.

 Energy is vital to our lives, not just what keeps us warm and dry, but what inspires us. many of us feel the energy of the full moon such as happened last night…it was a sparkling energy and one that had me fully awake at 6am today.

The lovely energy one gets from holding a precious item, for that is all abut the energy it has been infused with.

Have you ever noticed how small children often cling to an item given to them by a parent and often keep it near their mouth, as a way of scenting and tasting that energy.

We are aware of how important it is for a baby in an incubator to have its mother as close by as possible, yet glass separates them!

Somehow, this most important of energies, love, flows into the incubator and comforts the infant child. In these times of awakening, we are coming to understand the power of unseen energy…that of the spirit.

“The energy of life entering and leaving your body flows evenly throughout the universe. With that current, the mind of the cosmos communicates with all things.”
Ilchi Lee  

“Our exclusive dependence on rational thought and language has obscured our natural ability to sense the flow of energy.”
Ilchi Lee 

And it is that flow that we are immersed in throughout our lives.

It is that flow which we can influence at all times.

Our disconnection from the essence of who and what we are causes us immense pain at times.

We are as disconnected from that universal flow of energy, as the premature baby in an incubator left alone.

The quiet peace of Midwinter is a time for us to begin that immense and wonderful journey of reconnection.


A message received from Patrick…

Hi Colette

I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for several weeks now. I should have been coming to Ireland from the UK with my partner in the New Year to start our own smallholding .. However she had a tragic accident last Monday and is now in a coma with an uncertain future. I have decisions to make, but I am at a loss , I don’t know what to do. I need the help and intervention of a higher being ! Please can you and your followers have Jess and I in your thoughts, Patrick.


Patrick, it is done…my blessings to you and Jess XXX


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