Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

One Million Celebration!

Garden permaculture at 082

Sometime today, Bealtaine Cottage will be viewed for the 999,999th time.

It will, thereafter, have reached one million views!

Who would have ever thought that this little place, tucked away as it is in the West of Ireland, would have become such a beacon in these troubled times?

I never imagined so many people would flock here to find inspiration and comfort, but they have and you continue.

The journey continues here.

Better ways of living with Mother Earth are under constant scrutiny and reflection.

Visitors come and go, always taking away strategies and ideas to use, as well as plants and seeds.

Basic concepts of sustainable living are explained…the shock of the “Compoost Loo” morphs into admiration for it’s sheer simplicity and hygiene.

The miracle that Nature has performed here in such a short space of time becomes more visible with each photograph.

The realisation that everything is possible when one embraces Mother Earth as a co-creator, rather than something to be abused and driven.

I began writing about this journey and photographing Her magic back in 2011, as a way of trying to convince people that what we stand upon is part of us…we shape our world by how we live.

Bealtaine Cottage has become a little centre of hope in a world where we are continually told we are a blight upon the Earth.

We are not!

This is what we are capable of…helping Her to nurture us, as we in turn care for Her. 


I have two websites… Bealtaine Cottage and Bealtaine Cottage Good Life.

This site, Bealtaine Cottage, is free and has over 850 blogs, as well as over 3,500 photographs.

Bealtaine Cottage Good Life costs 12 euros per year and allows me a small income, to keep doing what I love doing most…writing about Mother Earth and photographing her.

Making this small donation adds your name to the subscriber list.

You will then have access to the website and full blog as published twice each week.

This amounts to 104 publications per year, at a cost of 12 cents each!

                                                          Click on button below to join the website…

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