Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Loss of Soul


We live in a society and where darkness pervades our souls.

We continually invent ways to avoid and escape the darkness…one of which is endless buying of consumer goods.

Within our society today there is an illness that pervades all classes and levels of wealth, known as “Soul Loss.”

It sounds like “Soul Less,” and indeed many people comment on aspects of our society that are indeed soul-less!

Television programmes are more and more appealing to a lower denominator within audiences, especially reality shows that can be likened to much of the entertainment provided for the masses, referred to as “the Plebs, (short for Plebians), in Ancient Rome.

Many of these programmes are nothing but a reflection of the very worst in society!

Jung described the unhappiness referred to as loss of soul, a concept borrowed from anthropology, referring psychologically to a state of general malaise.

Many feel in today’s world that there is something missing from their lives, a sort of glue that holds everything together!

Insomnia, depression and escapism through drugs or alcohol are all signs of Soul Loss.

One can feel vulnerable, fatigued or simply not worthy!

All of us have experienced some of these symptoms at some point in our lives and often refer back to them as low points.

And it’s true indeed, for the soul feels as if it is dragged down.

Much of commercial society today uses images, music and indeed brain-attack, to subjugate our beings into enslavement to the corporate will.

So how do we overcome this dark malaise?

Well, it is often written and spoken about here at Bealtaine Cottage…reconnect with Nature! Taking one’s sadness, vulnerability, confusion, low self-esteem into the heart of Nature and communing with Mother Earth in all her wondrous life can be the best medicine…healing gently and cumulatively. 

Spend less time being undermined and insulted by media and more time recovering your soul.


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