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Trump and The Power of One

Primroses at the Spring Well in the Fairy Wood at Bealtaine Cottage Permaculture GardensAs many of you know, I am in the final stages of completing my first manuscript and so have been busy since early December in preparing this book for the printers in Dublin…no tax-dodging Amazon corporation for me!

That’s not how I roll!

As I began this final incubation, I  was reluctant to venture into the world of news, website or indeed have my attention diverted.

However, I may have reluctantly refrained from communication, but lots of you have remained in contact via email…please excuse the brief, if any, replies I have provided, but then you know how busy I have been.

The communications have come mainly from the U.S. and have been most concerning to read!

Fear appears to be the main thread linking what you have written to me.

Fear of the government; fear of the future; fear for the environment; fear for healthcare…housing…jobs…I could go on, but I think you get the drift.

I am not interested in politicians, nor do I have any respect for them or what they peddle, so there is no need for me to use the T word more than in the title of this blog, nor do I want a comment list oozing the “T” word…no thank you!

Suffice to say that the world of man is in turmoil and has been for a very long time! Have you not noticed the endless war on a noun?

Hatred and fear have been stacked against us all for a very long time!

I googled the word “Fear” and it came up with 547 million results!

  1. 1. noun
    an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.
    “I cowered in fear as bullets whizzed past”


  1. 1.

    be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or harmful.

    “I hated him but didn’t fear him any more”


    be afraid of, be fearful of, be scared of, be apprehensive of, dread, live in fear of, go in terror of, be terrified of, be terrified by, cower before, tremble before, cringe from, shrink from, flinch from;

    For as long as power-seeking individuals have existed, their energy has fed of fear, each one of them a version of Nosferatu, be them less or more acceptable! We must, each of us, decide how we come to terms, if any, with a most disagreeable and at times, painful system that appears to control our lives. Fear and loathing changes little.

    “I don’t think that anything happens by coincidence… No one is here by accident… Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are here for some reason”…”
    James Redfield

    The wisdom in what James Redfield  had to say, translates to me in this way:

    That there are some people whose worst actions can propel us towards our best…and some leaders who unite more than what they divide…in very strange and surprising ways!

    Some of the greatest movements for change have emerged out of dark and menacing times!

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