Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Kitchen Garden in May


Between the Potager Beds, shown here, and the tunnel, there’s lots of food being harvested, even in these early days of Summer!

Masses of Carrots here in the shelter of the tunnel and thinning them out is such a tasty task, as I get to eat the smaller ones, complete with vitamin B12. Maybe that’s something you didn’t know…but B12 is found in the soil and why red meat has it in abundance, for cows and sheep are herbivores! If we ate more homegrown veggies, lightly rinsed and raw, our B12 intake would be taken care of!

I ran out of Russian Kale seed, (posted it all of to many of you!), but no need to worry, as it’s come up on it’s own accord in the tunnel!

Pumpkins are planted in the Potager here in a bottomless pot, (more room to grow roots!), surrounded by Celery, Lettuce, Beetroot, Beans, Cauliflower, Tomato, and Chard.

Here’s a Leek opening to flower and seed and lots of baby Leeks around too!

Purple Sprouting Broccoli is seeding nicely too, so there’ll be lots on the seed site!

I’ve wrapped some raw wool around the Courgette to protect her from slugs, as well as provide a feed.

Cauliflower and Kale seem happy enough together in this sheltered Potager.

The tasty leaves of the Bronze Fennel are essential in salads! This perennial is growing near the veranda.

Lemon Balm near the back door is another essential salad ingredient.

There’s lots of Thyme in the tunnel, but this one is in a pot by the new veranda…great added to chopped Garlic and fried with mushrooms!

Another quirky pot, with Lavender, lettuce and Leeks!

More Kale…I’ll be on a slug hunt tonight!

Kale, Peas, Beans and Tomatoes…and a tiny Feverfew coming through!

Lots more to plant and sow…but it’s all underway!


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