Misty Morning, Hot Coffee…just Permaculture in Ireland

Just a walk around Bealtaine on a still, warm and misty morning…

And the soundtrack of Bealtaine…birds and bees and insects…

Scents of Spring and early summer pervade the air…

The promise of Sloes with Blackthorn Blossom…

Growing in the Fairy Dell…

And deep within the Fairy Dell the Rowan Tree comes to life…


  1. Lovely photos, glad the mist lifted this morning 🙂
    Twas an evening for music yesterday as I plucked away on the new banjo to while away the hours, well music might be too fine a term for what sounds a beginner makes…

    Your garden is so far ahead of ours, the blackthorn here has still only tiny buds, I’d say another two weeks to go for flowers yet although there are flowering blackthorns about two miles away, down the hill.

    And our mountain ash are all just thinking about opening their buds, still sleeping, the whitethorns and snowberries are the only fully awake plants around here yet.

Your comments are welcome!