Site icon Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

Bealtaine Cottage and Permaculture Gardens Photo Album 2012…February!

Looking back at the year…February photographsBealtaine Cottage Feb 12 005

February was mild and the Daffodils in the gardens of Bealtaine came up without damage

Ribes bushes throughout the gardens filled the air with a heady scent, enticing the Bees out from hibernation.

Mizuna flourished in the tunnel, providing a green salad for the table throughout the winter months.

Missy showed her first signs of being unwell and began a course of steroid treatment.

We thought we would loose her, but her spirit stayed strong.

Weaving baskets from willow began in earnest at Bealtaine Cottage, putting newly acquired skills into practice.

The water barrels kept filling and filling as the rain poured from the skies…

We had sunny days too…all the more appreciated for the previous rain!

We went out walking and found old ruins from past lives, now stark and dramatic against the bright, February sky of 2012.

The greening of the Bog Garden started in mist and frost.

The heavily misted mornings were a beauty all of their own.

And the early sun of 2012 crept into the cottage…

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